Giving 2


The purpose of this giving layout is to help your church highlight not only how to give, but also answer the question of why we give and show what their donor's generosity is helping to accomplish. This layout is designed in sections to help motivate visitors to be generous by walking them step by step through how, what, why, and where to give. There are multiple call to actions throughout the page to guide users toward giving to the church.

Header Area

This layout will use the same header options available for your subpage templates (ie: static image, background video or image rotator).

With a static image or video, the "Header Text" field in your page settings can be used to add content overtop of the header spot (ie: text, buttons, etc.)


This layout is comprised of sections, which are located at the bottom of the page settings. There are 9 sections available, and 7 of them are pre-populated with the design for this layout.

You can rearrange or remove these pre-built sections, as well as add your own content section to the page. 

Giving 2 - Welcome

This is a freeform content section, which can be used as an intro text area for your giving page. You can use the standard section background and category options available for your site.

Giving 2 - Video

Content > Link Lists > "Giving 2 - Media"

This section uses the "Giving 2 - Media Left Column" monklet to pull the two column image/video and text setup from the "Giving 2 - Media" link list. Only one item should be added in the link list, and the following fields are used:

  • Name: controls the title
  • Link: controls the video column (if populated). This should link directly to a video uploaded to the Media module.
  • Image: controls the poster image for the video. If no video is loaded in, this will be a static image.
  • Description: controls the text
  • Subtitle: controls the smaller subtitle above the header

NOTE: The alternate monklet "Giving 2 - Media Right Column" can be used to display text on the left and image/video on the right.

Giving 2 - Difference

Content > Link Lists > "Giving 2 - Grid Links"

This section is used to highlight different ways to give. Each box has a hover effect that will show a call to action button. For mobile, the cta button will show on click, and an arrow will display next to the header if more info is available. 

For this section, the "Giving 2 - Link List Grid" monklet will pull the rows of grid items from the "Giving 2 - Grid Links" link list. Up to three boxes will show per row.

Within each link list item, the following fields are used:

  • Name: displays the heading for the column
  • Link: controls the button link
  • Description: controls the text below the header
  • Button Text: controls the button text for the hover state. This fields need to be populated for the button to show.
  • Icon Class: displays an optional icon at the top of the column. Please refer to available icons for your specific site.

You can also add second level links to display icons below the description text on hover. These additional links need to be listed below one of the existing items in the list and will require a URL and Icon Class.

Giving 2 - Numbers

Content > Link Lists > "Giving 2 - Numbers"

This section uses the "Giving 2 - Link List Numbers" monklet to display an animated row of numbers from the "Giving 2 - Numbers" link list. This section can be used to show progress to date, yearly goals, where contributions are allocated, etc. 

For each item in the link list, the following fields are used:

  • Name: controls the heading under each number
  • Description: controls the number. This should be numeric and not contain decimals or other punctuation (eg. 8452)
  • Icon Class: displays an optional icon before the number. Please refer to available icons for your specific site.

The header text and button shown above/below the numbers are managed in the "Giving 2 - Numbers" section. The background image and dark section options are also used.

Giving 2 - Impact

Content > Link Lists > "Giving 2 - Articles"

This section uses the "Giving 2 - Content Left Column" monklet to display a two column setup from the "Giving 2 - Articles" link list. This section can show specific articles that help people see the impact of their contributions.

NOTE: The alternate monklet "Giving 2 - Content Right Column" can be used to display articles on the left and text on the right.

Within the link list, there should only be two items to manage each column:

>> MAKING AN IMPACT - this should be a first level item in the link list and will display in the dark column. The following fields are used:

  • Name: controls the column heading
  • Link: controls the button link
  • Description: controls the text area
  • Button text: controls the button text. This is require to display the button
  • Subtitle: controls the smaller heading above the name

>> MONKLET - this should be a second level item in the link list and titled "Monklet" (make sure you don't change this title). In the description field is the "Giving 2 - Featured Articles" monklet, which will display the three most recent articles published as featured (Content > Articles). You can use the "find_category" or "find_group" parameters to display articles for a specific category or group (ie: related to giving or stories).

ex: {{giving-2-featured-articles|find_category="giving-stories"}} 

NOTE: The description field does not have a dropdown option to select the monklet, so the "Giving 2 - Featured Articles" monklet must be manually added. The syntax of the monklet is the monklet slug wrapped in double curly braces eg. {{giving-2-featured-articles}} and using an inline parameter eg. {{giving-2-featured-articles|find_category="giving-stories"}}

Giving 2 - FAQs

This is a freeform content section using accordions to showcase frequently asked questions. The header text is managed managed in the "Giving 2 - FAQs" section. The background image and dark section options are also used.

Giving 2 - Change

This is another freeform content section which can be used as a final call to action for giving at the bottom of the page. You can also use the standard section background and category options available for your site.