Homepage Overview
Navigate to Content > Pages > Index
*Note: You can not change the name of the Index page. The Index.php is your home template and assigned automatically to your home page. This templates operates the same as your "Subpage Fullwidth" template.
The home page (Index) works using various modules and elements throughout Ekklesia. The basics are:
- Header: Logo, header links, navigation and search
- Header area: three options - header image, background video, or image rotator
- Sections: nine fullwidth sections available (utilizing monklets)
- Footer: church information, social media links, and mission statement (utilizing monklets and sections)
Header Area
The header options for your homepage are the same for your subpage templates: static image, background video or image rotator.
With a static image or video, the "Header Text" field in your page settings can be used to add content overtop of the header spot (ie: text, buttons, etc.)
Featured Story
Content > Link Lists > "Header Video"
Displays the latest featured article assigned to the "Stories" category
The default homepage is using the {{header-monklet-featured-article-video|find_category="stories"}} monklet in the Header Text field to pull the latest story overtop of the header image or video.
The majority of your homepage is controlled by sections, and this area is located at the bottom of the page settings. There are 9 available sections, and five of them are pre-populated with homepage monklets designed for the Wesley theme (more on your Homepage Monklets HERE)
You can rearrange, remove, or replace any of these sections. Leaving any of the section fields blank won't cause an issue - you can choose to make your homepage as long or as short as you'd like.

Home - Connect
Content > Link Lists > "Connect Links Home"
This section uses the {{section-monklet-connect-links}} monklet to pull the images/content from the "Connect Links Home" link list. Within each item, the name, link, image and description fields are used. The color overlay pulls from the Accent colors 1-4 in the color picker.
The section title is managed within the section "content" field: Content > Sections > Home - Connect
Within the section, the background is controlled via the "background color" and "background image" fields. The "dark background" option is also selected, so the content displays white against the dark background.
Home - Events
Events > Events
This section uses the {{section-monklet-featured-events-1}} monklet to display the latest event that is published as featured. You can also add the "find_category" or "find_group" parameter to pull the latest featured event assigned to a specific category or group.
Example: {{section-monklet-featured-events-1|find_category="children"}}
The section title is managed within the section "content" field: Content > Sections > Home - Events
Note: if you want to display the next 3 featured events (instead of 1), you can use the "Home - Events (3)" section. This alternate section is using the {{section-monklet-featured-events-3}} monklet, which will display 3 event cards.
Home - Sermon
Content > Sermons
Displays the video, title, date, speaker and description for your latest message.
The section title is managed within the section "content" field: Content > Sections > Home - Sermon
Within the section, the background is controlled via the "background color" and "background image" fields. The "dark background" option is also selected, so the section title and box display white against the dark background.
Home - Next Steps
Content > Link Lists > "Next Steps Home"
This section uses the {{section-monklet-next-steps}} monklet to pull the images/content from the "Next Steps Home" link list. Within each item, the name, link, description and icon class fields are used.
The section title is managed within the section "content" field: Content > Sections > Home - Steps
A full list of custom icons is available here:
Home - Newsletter
This is a freeform content section, so any text, image, links, etc are managed in the content field. The background is controlled via the "background color" and "background image" fields. The "dark background" option is also selected, so the section title and content display white against the dark background.