Subpage Overview
You have two Subpage Templates, which you can use throughout your site as many times as you'd like.
- Subpage Default - Your default two column layout, which auto-generates a side-navigation on the right. Sidebar and fullwidth sections can be used on this template.
- Subpage Fullwidth - Full width layout, can assign full-width sections
Note: The Index.php is your home template and assigned automatically to your home page. This templates operates the same as your "Subpage Fullwidth".
Choosing a Template
Go to Content > Pages > Add a New Page (or select an existing page)
When creating a new page, the "Template" field will have the "Subpage Default" template selected as the default. You can select the dropdown menu to change to the "Subpage Fullwidth" template, if needed.
Page Settings
Page Title
The page will automatically display the page title at the top of the content area. The checkbox "Hide Page Title" removes the title from the page. The page description field is optional.
Page Description
The page description field is optional and can also be used to help with SEO.
Header Overlay
When the "Header Overlay" check box is selected for a page, the "Billboard Overlay Color" option in the color picker will add an opaque color overtop of your header image or background video.
Section Nav
This option will place a section navigation at the bottom of the page on mobile devices allowing users to scroll between sections. If this option is used the section "Description" field will be the name of the link and the "Icon Class" field is used to add a custom icon to the link. If the page checkbox is selected, only sections with the Description field used will display in the navigation.

Help site: How to Add a Page