

Your site is setup for multi-site (campus) use.  This requires a few campus specific items to be setup.  For each campus there needs to be a matching group, church entry and home/landing page. The title for the group and church entry MUST match eg. Cape Coral will be labeled "Cape Coral" for its group and church entry.

The Locations option displays as the last item in the top navigation. With in the popup campus menu, the user can select their home campus, which will display campus specific content in the header, navigation and footer, as well as switch to the campus homepage.


People > Groups

Each campus should have a group entry.  Each campus group should also be assigned to the group series "Campuses"  The series assignment will help in differentiating campus groups from other groups used on the site.

NOTE - The first group in the series will be used as the default campus. You can change the order under People > Groups > Series tab > Campuses series and then drag/drop the list.

Church Entry

People > Churches

Each campus MUST have a church entry that matches the group name.  The church module is where you can enter the specific campus info, which will show on the campus Locations popup window.

The current fields used are:

  • Name - must match corresponding group
  • Worship address
  • Website - controls the "more info" button. The link must be a full url, ex: https://www.mydomain/church
  • Church E-mail
  • Telephone
  • Church Logo - campus image/photo
  • Service times
  • Social media fields

Home/Landing Page

Each campus MUST have a home page created with the Index template assigned.  This will be used to display the specific home header and section information for each campus.  The home page is the only page that will reload when the user changes campuses.  If a user is on any other page and changes campus they will be taken to the URL that you placed in that church Website field.

NOTE - There is also a stand alone homepage labeled Index.  This is the fallback home page for when a campus is not selected.  It is recommended that the header and section assignments should match the same setup as the default campus home page.

If a church entry (campus) name is located in the second level position of any navigation structure, the site will display the third level links to the user in the menu dropdown.  This option allows you to have campus specific links if a user has selected their home campus.  


  • If the user has not selected a home campus, the first campus in the campuses group series will be used for the navigation (ie: Cape Coral).
  • The campus menu items should match exactly to the group/church name setup for that campus. 
  • The campus menu in the navigation should not be linked a page. This only serves as a placeholder to separate out campus links.

For each campus, the church address, phone, email and social media links will be pull from the respective campus in the churches module (People > Churches).

The other areas included in the footer setup can be managed under the following sections: 

  • "Footer Links - {Campus}" re. Footer Links -  Cape Coral
  • "Footer Newsletter - {Campus}" re. Footer Newsletter - Cape Coral
  • "Footer Sitemap - {Campus}" re. Footer Sitemap - Cape Coral

Events Layout

When a home campus is set, the campus filter on the events #5 layout will be preset to the home campus selection.