Color Picker


Body Background

Body Background

Controls the white page background color throughout the site

Text Color

Text Color

Controls the default text color throughout the site

Heading Color

Heading Color

Controls the color of the page title and header styles

Highlight Color

Controls the light gray background and accent color used in various areas throughout the site (monklets, layouts, etc).

Note: the "Dark" color picker options are used for sections that have the "Dark Background" option selected, which denotes a dark background and light content.

Dark Background

Controls the default section background color when the "dark background" option is selected.

Note: if the section "background color" or "background image" field are used, this color will be overwritten.

Dark Highlight

Controls the gray accent/background color when the "dark background" option is selected.

Dark Color

Controls the text and header color for the dark background option

Dark Hover

Controls the link hover color for the dark background option