Header Navigation/Search

Content > Pages > Navigation

The navigation will display up to 3 levels of links.

Video Tutorial: Adding A Navigation Item

Optional Hamburger Menu

The Francis theme allows you to switch the navigation design to a hamburger menu style, which is used for the mobile display. This is managed under People > Churches > select default church > select "Mobile Nav Only".

Note: if you have multiple church records setup for your campuses, the record with the "default church" group assigned is the one where this option needs to be enabled. 

Your Custom Search design displays a Search Box, Service Times, Buttons and Featured Events.

Service Times

To edit the Service Times, update the "Search - Service Times" Link List. The following fields are used in that Link List:

  1. Name
  2. Link
  3. Image
  4. Description
  5. Button Text
  6. Icon Class
  7. Subtitle


To edit the Buttons, update the "Search - Buttons" Link List. The following fields are used in that Link List:

  1. Name
  2. Link

The three most recent Events published as featured will show under "Featured Events," along with a button to view the full calendar.