Section Monklets
Monklets are predefined code snippets that allow you to bring in other module content (sermons, events, etc.) into your pages.
You can use a monklet inside a section by placing your cursor in the content area, selecting Insert > Insert Monklet > "Desired Monklet".
Some monklets allow/require inline parameters to be passed to define items from a specific group, category, etc. and provides details on using these parameters.
Module Images: Unless noted otherwise in this guide most module (sermons, events, etc.) images should be 1,024px wide by 576px tall. Please note that there are areas on the site that use a square image or a non 16:9 display from the modules (eg. the section monklet for the latest sermon). In these instances the 16:9 image from the module is used and centered to cover the area. This means that if you have text layered in the image it should be as centered as possible to prevent text from getting cut off.
Note - Monklets defined with "Section Monklet" in the title can be inserted in the content area of a section used in a full width section. Monklets defined with "Sidebar Monklet" in the title can be inserted in the content area of a section used in the sidebar.
Section Monklet - Linked Image (2)
Displays linked images from the Link List module in rows of 2. The find inline parameter is required. The "Description" and "Sub Title" fields are optional overlay text.
Section Monklet - Linked Image (3)
Displays linked images from the Link List module in rows of 3. The find inline parameter is required. The "Description" and "Sub Title" fields are optional overlay text.
Section Monklet - Linked Image (4)
Displays linked images from the Link List module in rows of 4. The find inline parameter is required. The "Description" and "Sub Title" fields are optional overlay text.
Section Monklet - Link List Image Carousel (2)
Displays a carousel of link list entries in 2 columns. The find inline parameter is required. The "Description" and "Sub Title" fields are optional overlay text.
Section Monklet - Link List Image Carousel (3)
Displays a carousel of link list entries in 3 columns. The find inline parameter is required. The "Description" and "Sub Title" fields are optional overlay text.
Section Monklet - Link List Image Carousel (4)
Displays a carousel of link list entries in 4 columns. The find inline parameter is required. The "Description" and "Sub Title" fields are optional overlay text.
Section Monklet - Linklist Video
Displays a video from the Link List module. The find inline parameter is required. The video is assigned in the url field of the link.
Section Monklet - Content Rotator
Displays a rotator from the Rotators module. The find inline parameter is required. All images should be the same size. The slide text and url/button options will display as an image overlay.
Section Monklet - Staff Row (3)
Displays users from a specific group in sets of 3 columns. This monklet requires the inline parameter find_group to define which group to display users from.
Section Monklet - Callout
Displays a dark callout from the Link List module. The find inline parameter is required. The "Name" is the heading. The "Description" is the text. If the "URL" is used the "Button Text" is required. The "Image" is used for the background.
Section Monklet - Featured Articles (4)
Displays the most recent 4 articles from the Articles module published as featured. You can use the find_group or find_category inline parameters as needed.
Section Monklet - Featured Events (4)
Displays the most recent 4 events from the Evebts module published as featured. You can use the find_group or find_category inline parameters as needed.
Section Monklet - Latest Sermon or Section Monklet - Latest Sermon - Countdown
Displays the most recent sermon from the Sermons module. You can use the find_group or find_category inline parameters as needed. The - Countdown monklet will add a countdown option at the bottom of the output. The countdown uses the most recent event published to the "Live Event" category. The Link List "Countdown" uses the "Description" field for the prelive text and the "URL"/"Button Text" for the live text.
Section Monklet - Link List Blockquote Image
Displays a dark blockquote from the Link List module. The find inline parameter is required. The "Description" is the blockquote text. The "Sub Title" is the credit text. The "Image" is used for the background.
Section Monklet - Link List Ministries Carousel
Displays a carousel of link list entries in 3 columns. The find inline parameter is required. The "Description" and "Sub Title" fields are optional overlay text. This is similar to the Linked Image carousel, but this uses an autoplay for the carousel.
Note - This is currently used in the "Content After" section option on a home page section. If this monklet is used in this section option it MUST be the first entry into the section as there is custom code that moves this up into the section content above.
Section Monklet - Link List Styled Images (2)
Displays a custom view of two images from a link list. The first link entry should contain an image. This image displays as the smaller image. The second link entry should contain an image. This image displays as the larger image. Sizes can vary, but the concept is for the second image to display as the main larger image. This is currently used on the home page with your service times and the smaller image is 315px wide by 380px tall and the larger image is 410px wide by 560px tall.
- - - - Sidebar Monklets - - - -
Sidebar Monklet - Featured Article
Displays the most recent article from the Articles module published as featured. You can use the find_group or find_category inline parameters as needed.
Sidebar Monklet - Link List Ministry
Displays a special layout of link list entries. The find inline parameter is required.
There should only be one level 1 link entry. This will serve as the top background of the section and this entry should contain an image. The link "Name" and "Icon Class" will display as a heading.
Each child/level 2 link entry will serve as a linked image option. The "Description" and "Sub Title" fields are optional overlay text.
The custom icons are created by entering a custom class in the "Icon Class" field (ie: icon-twitter). To see a full list of available icons:
Sidebar Monklet - Featured Event
Displays the most recent event from the Events module published as featured. You can use the find_group or find_category inline parameters as needed.
Sidebar Monklet - Featured Sermon
Displays the most recent sermon from the Sermons module published as featured. You can use the find_group or find_category inline parameters as needed.