Volunteer #3
The Volunteer #3 layout provides a central place to list opportunities to serve at your church, in the community and around the world. The filter and search options also allow users to drill into the specific area of interest.
A Volunteer Opportunity is created as an Article (Content > Articles), and the contact information is created as an Author.
Note: Volunteer #3 is a single use layout and cannot be used for multiple pages.
Since this layout has the campus filter or cookies the page will reload if a user changes campuses to display the updated campus items. *The campus filter has been removed from the World option.
Before You Get Started
When purchasing this layout, you can locate the example page under Content > Pages. If you can't easily find the page, use the template filter to locate the Volunteer #3 layout.
Page Settings
The page title and header area will match the default setup for your site, and the standard header options available for your site are used (ie: header image, background video or rotator).
Volunteer #3 should be selected in the "template" dropdown of your page.
Page Content
All content/areas showing above the filter bar are setup as monklets and text in the content area of the Volunteer #3 page (Content > Pages > Volunteer #3).
Content > Link Lists > Volunteer 3 - Stats
This displays a list of featured, statistic numbers and uses a count up animation effect when in view. Within the link list items, the "name" will show as the text and the number should be entered in the "description" field (no other fields are used). NOTE - the numbers cannot include characters like commas.
This setup uses the monklet labeled "Section Monklet - Stats" in the content area of the Volunteer #3 page, and the "find" parameter is added to specify the link list.
ex: {{volunteer-3-stats|find="volunteer-3-stats"}}
Intro Text
This is setup in the content area of the Volunteer #3 page (below the volunteer #3 stats monklet), so you can include headers, buttons, links, etc.
Areas of Focus
Content > Link Lists > Volunteer 3 - Areas of Focus
This link list will display a row of featured, linked icons. The following fields are used for each item in the list: name, description (optional), link (optional), icon class. If no link is used, there will be no hover effect.
Within the content area of the Serve page (below the intro text) is the "Area of Focus" title and "Section Monklet - Icon Links" monklet. The "find" parameter is used within the monklet to specify the link list.
ex: {{volunteer-3-icon-links|find="volunteer-3-areas-of-focus"}}
NOTE: Please refer to your site setup guide for a specific list of icons available for your site.
Serving Opportunities
Filter Bar
Content > Link Lists > Volunteer 3 - Categories
Within the list, the first level item is labeled "Filters" and should not be changed. The description field for this first item displays the welcome text next to the volunteer type buttons (ie: I want to serve in the...).
The actual tab/button titles are each listed as second level items underneath "Filters" and the up/down arrows can be used to change the order. Within each item, the "name" and "icon class" fields are used.
NOTE: for the second level items, there MUST be a matching second level category in the articles module with the same name (see details below).
If you don't need separate serving types (church, community and world), the top filter bar can be removed by renaming the link list, ex: Volunteer 3 - Categories - OFF. If this option is used, then the category levels in the articles module would each move up one level, and you would no longer have categories that represent type. So the category structure would be Volunteer > Filter Title > Filter Category.
>> See details about the category structure below
Categories & Filtering
Content > Articles > Categories tab
Below the page content, there are three different tabs to view serving opportunities in the church, community and world. Each tab uses the articles module and requires specific parent categories to be assigned.
Under the "Categories" tab of the articles module, there is a parent category labeled "Volunteer", which is used to separate the specific articles used for the volunteer layout.
- The second level categories under "Volunteer" represent each tab/type (church, community and world)
- The third level under each second level (type) represent each filter menu label/title.
- The fourth level under each third level are filterable categories. When assigned to an article, the serving list will display the filter categories underneath the article title.
NOTE: The parent "Volunteer" category needs to remain as is and should not be changed.

This tab requires each article to be published to the parent categories "Volunteer" and "Church". Child categories under "Church" will display with the ministry filter.
This tab requires each article to be published to the parent categories "Volunteer" and "Community". Child categories under "Community" will display with the age range or type filter.
This tab requires each article to be published to the parent categories "Volunteer" and "World". Child categories under "World" will display with the missions filter.
NOTE: the church, community and world categories can be changed, but the corresponding tab title in the "Volunteer 3 - Categories" link list also needs to be changed. Both titles should match.
The filter category titles can also be changed, and additional filters can be added underneath the tabs in the category structure. To add another filter to a tab, the church, community or world category should be selected as the "parent" category.
Volunteer Articles
Content > Articles
When creating your volunteer articles, the following fields are used:
Detail Tab
- Title: controls the serving opportunity name
- Categories: the "volunteer" category, the tab/type category and any filter categories should be assigned
- Date: controls the order of the serving opps list
- Authors: if an author is assigned AND linked to a member account, the "I want to serve" button will display (see more details below)
- Header image: if your articles module has this field included, this will display as the header image on the detail page (after selecting a serving opportunity in the list)
Content Tab
- Keywords: control the site search results
- Content: the description is managed here. This is a full WYSIWYG editor, so you can add text, headings, buttons, links, etc. (summary field is not used)
Media Tab
- Image: displays the image for a serving opportunity in the list and in the header of the detail page
- No other media options are used for this layout
Note: For articles that don't have an image, the "Volunteer 3 - Default Image" link list can be used to set a fallback image. The list should only have a single item with an image.
Content > Articles > Authors tab
To show a contact for a serving opportunity, you can assign an author. If only the first and last name are included for an author, then only the person's name will show as the contact on the detail page sidebar. If the author is also linked to a member account, then the name will be linked to the email address associated with the member account.
Help Article: Add a New Member
"I Want to Serve" Button and Contact Form
If the author assigned to a volunteer opportunity/article is connected to a member, then the "I want to serve" button will display in the serving list and on the detail page for the respective article. This button will popup a hard coded contact form, where the user can fill out name, email and message. When the form is submitted, an email notification will be sent to the email address listed for the author’s member account.
NOTE: This form is hard coded in the layout and cannot be edited in the CMS.
Fullwidth Sections
This layout support 9 fullwidth sections, which will display below the serving opportunities area. Within the sections, you can use any sections monklets available for your site, as well as section categories/fields available.
Please refer to your site setup guide for more information about sections.
Finishing Up
To display this new page on your site, make sure it's linked to a navigation item:
Content > Pages > Navigation tab
Help Article: Adding a Navigation Item