Subpage Monklets
Monklets are predefined code snippets that allow you to bring other module content into your pages (sermons, articles, etc.) . You can use a monklet inside a section by placing your cursor in the content area and selecting:
Insert > Monklet > "Desired Monklet"
Some monklets allow inline parameters to be added into the monklet tag to pull items from a specific group, category, etc.
Types of Monklets
The folllowing monklets can be used with your subpages:
- Sidebar Monklets: these have "Sidebar" in the title should only be used in the "Sidebar" sections of your Subpage Default template, which will display down the right-hand side of the page.
- Section Monklets: these monklets have "Section Monklet" in the title and can be inserted in the page content area or in a section. They can be used with the following templates: Subpage Default, Subpage Fullwidth and INDEX (homepage) and will display fullwidth in your page/section.
- Specialty Monklets: additonal monklets are included for a photo gallery and staff list. These can be inserted in the page content area of a Subpage Default or Subpage Fullwidth template.
There are also monklets used for the footer sections, and you can see more info HERE >>
Note: if you purchase any custom layouts (ie: ministry, new here, etc), you will see some additional monklets listed; however, these are only used with the respective layouts.
Sidebar Monklets
These monklets are have "Sidebar" included in the title and should only be used in the "Sidebar" sections of your Subpage Default template.

Sidebar Monklet - Latest Sermon
This monklet displays the latest sermon. If you want to display the latest sermon from a specific group or category, you can use the find_group and find_category inline parameters as needed.
Here is an example of what this would look like if you wanted to display a sermon from the category "Prayer": {{sidebar-latest-sermon|find_category="prayer"}}
Sidebar Monklet - Latest Post
This monklet displays the latest blog post. Note: you must use the "name" inline parameter to define which blog to pull from.
Here is an example of what this would look like: {{sidebar-monklet-latest-post|name="our-blog"}}
Sidebar Monklet - Latest Article
This monklet displays the most recent article. If you want to display the latest article from a specific group or category, you can use the find_group and find_category inline parameters as needed.
Here is an example of what this would look like if you wanted to display a sermon from the category "Prayer": {{sidebar-monklet-latest-articles-1|find_category="prayer"}}
Sidebar Monklet - Latest Events
This monklets displays the latest 6 events. If you want to display the latest events from a specific group or category, you can use the find_group and find_category inline parameters as needed.
Here is an example of what this would look like if you wanted to display an event from the category "Children's Ministry": {{sidebar-monklet-latest-events|find_category="childrens-ministry"}}
Sidebar Monklet - Staff
This monklet displays staff members within a specific group. Note: you must use the "find_group" inline parameter to define which group to display.
Here is an example of what this would look like: {{sidebar-monklet-staff|find_group="children"}}
Sidebar Monklet - Link List Rotator
This monklet displays a row of items with an image, title, text and link. The content pulls from a link list (Content > Link Lists), and you can manually rotate through the images one at a time. The images will display square and each should be the same size.
When setting up your link list, the following fields are used:
- Name: displays a title above the description
- Link: controls the link for the title
- Image: controls the image spot. Make sure each image is the same size.
- Description: adds a description below the title
- Button Text: controls the text overlay on the image (optional)
- Icon Class: adds an icon above the text overlay (optional). See a full set of available icons here.
In your sidebar section, the monklet tag needs to have the link list title included using the "find" parameter.
Example: {{sidebar-monklet-link-list-rotator|find="rotator-monklet"}}
Section Monklets
These monklets have "Section Monklet" in the title and can be inserted in the page content area or in a section. Section Monklets can be used with the Subpage Default or Subpage Fullwidth templates, as well as your INDEX template.
NOTE: The section monklets included with the default homepage sections (Index template) can also be used for your subpage sections (ie: Featured Events, Latest Sermon, Next Steps, etc.)
Section Monklet - Accordions
The "Section Monklet - Accordions" monklet is an alternate way to setup accordions within a page or section. This option allows you to use a link list to power your accordions instead of using the Snippets tools in the content editor. You would need to create a new link list, and then each accordion menu would be setup as an item in the list. The "name" and "description" fields are used with this setup.
Once you create a link list, you can insert this monklet into the desired section or content area and then use the "find" tag to define which link list to use with the monklet. The "find" tag should be the name of the link list in lowercase with dashes in place of spaces (ie: the slug title).
Example with a link list "Accordions Example" - {{section-monklet-accordions|find="accordions-example"}}
NOTE - The description field for each item will display as plain paragraph text. If you would like to have a full html section content for a specific accordion menu, you can do so by creating a section with the desired content. Once created, you will place the slug of the section title in the description field for the cooresponding link list item. Curly braces will also need to be included around the title. For example, if you create a section labeled "My Accordion Section", the link description field should contain the slug as {{my-accordion-section}}.
Section Monklet - Callout
This monklet displays content from a link list (Content > Link Lists). Within the link list, the following field are used for each item:
- "Name" is the heading
- "Link" is for the button link
- "Description" is the summary/description text
- "Button Text" is required to with the url (link) for the button to show
When using the monklet, you'll need to use the "find" parameter to specify which link list to display: {{section-monklet-callout|find="link-list-name"}}
Section Monklet - Content Rotator
With this monklet, you can display a rotator in the content area of a page or section, and the images will automatically cyle through.
The rotator needs to be setup under Media > Rotators. Within each rotator item, the following fields are used:
- Image/Video: controls the image or video
- Title: adds a title overtop of the image (optional)
- Caption: adds a description overtop of the image (optional)
- Link: add a link to the image or button (optional). If the "button text" field is populated, the button will display as the link. If not, the image will be linked.
- Button Text: adds a button overtop of the image (optional).
- Sub Heading: add a styled blue heading above the title (optional)
When using this monklet, the rotator title needs to be included in the tag with the "find" parameter.
Example: {{section-monklet-rotator|find="home-rotator"}}
Section Monklet - Link List Rotator
This monklet displays a row of items with an image, title, text and link. The content pulls from a link list (Content > Link Lists), and you can manually rotate through the images one at a time. The images will display square and each should be the same size.
There are three monklet options available:
- Section Monklet - Link List Rotator - Show 2 -> displays two images in the row
- Section Monklet - Link List Rotator - Show 3 -> displays three images in the row
- Section Monklet - Link List Rotator - Show 4 -> displays four images in the row
When setting up your link list, the following fields are used:
- Name: displays a title above the description
- Link: controls the link for the title
- Image: controls the image spot. Make sure each image is the same size.
- Description: adds a description below the title
- Button Text: controls the text overlay on the image (optional)
- Icon Class: adds an icon above the text overlay (optional). See a full set of available icons here.
When using this monklet, the "find" parameter needs to be included with the link list title:
Example: {{section-monklet-link-list-rotator-3|find="rotator-monklet"}}
Section Monklet - Ministry Links
This monklet displays rows of 3 items with an image, title, and link. The content pulls from a link list (Content > Link Lists). Each image should be sized the same, and the current examples use square images.
Within the link list, the "name" and "URL" fields are used to populate the button.
When using this monklet, the "find" parameter needs to be included with the link list title:
Example: {{section-monklet-ministry-links|find="ministry-links"
Section Monklet - Tabs
The "Section Monklet - Tabs" monklet is an alternate way to setup tabs within a page or section. This option allows you to use a link list to power your tabs instead of using the Snippets tools in the content editor. You would need to create a new link list, and then each tab would be setup as an item in the list. The "name" and "description" fields are used with this setup.
Once you create a link list, you can insert this monklet into the desired section or content area and then use the "find" tag to define which link list to use with the monklet. The "find" tag should be the name of the link list in lowercase with dashes in place of spaces (ie: the slug title).
Example with a link list "Tabs Example" - {{section-monklet-tabs|find="tabs-example"}}
NOTE - The description field for each item will display as plain paragraph text. If you would like to have a full html section content for a specific tab, you can do so by creating a section with the desired content. Once created, you will place the slug of the section title in the description field for the cooresponding link list item. Curly braces will also need to be included around the title. For example, if you create a section labeled "My Tab Section", the link description field should contain the slug as {{my-tab-section}}.
Section Monklet - Featured Events or Section Monklet - Latest Events
This monklet displays the 6 most recent events in a carousel/rotator. The featured monklet shows only events published as featured.
If you want to display the latest events from a specific group or category, you can use the find_group and find_category inline parameters as needed.
Here is an example of what this would look like if you wanted to display a event from the category "Prayer": {{section-monklet-featured-events|find_category="prayer"}}
Section Monklet - Latest Article or Section Monklet - Latest Article Left Image
This monklet will display the most recent article, and there are two versions available:
- Section Monklet - Latest Article Left Image -> displays the image on the left and article details on the right (this is the default setup on the homepage)
- Section Monklet - Latest Article -> displays the article details on the left and image on the right
If you want to display the latest article from a specific group or category, you can use the find_group and find_category inline parameters as needed.
Here is an example of what this would look like if you wanted to display a article from the category "Prayer": {{section-monklet-latest-article-left-image|find_category="prayer"}}
Section Monklet - Latest Post or Section Monklet - Latest Post Left Image
This monklet will display the most recent blog post, and there are two versions available:
- Section Monklet - Latest Post -> displays the blog post details on the left and image on the right (this is the default setup on the homepage)
- Section Monklet - Latest Post Left Image -> displays the image on the left and blog post details on the right
Note: you must use the "name" inline parameter to define which blog to pull from. Here is an example of what this would look like: {{section-monklet-latest-post|name="our-blog"}}
Section Monklet - Latest Sermon or Section Monklet - Latest Sermon Left Image
This monklet will display the most recent sermon, and there are two versions available:
- Section Monklet - Latest Sermon -> displays the article details on the left and image on the right (this is the default setup on the homepage)
- Section Monklet - Latest Sermon Left Image -> displays the image on the left and article details on the right
This monklet will display the most recent sermon with the sermon details on the left and image on the right. If you want to display the latest sermon from a specific group or category, you can use the find_group and find_category inline parameters as needed.
Here is an example of what this would look like if you wanted to display a sermon from the category "Prayer": {{section-monklet-latest-sermon|find_category="prayer"}}
Section Monklet - Linklist Fullwidth Columns
Displays a row of columns from the Link List module. The find inline parameter is required. Each link in the list represents a column. The link image displays as the background, the custom sub title displays a heading, the description displays after the heading and the banner is the link.
*NOTE - This monklet should only be used in full width sections and not in the sidebar sections or page content area.
Section Monklet - Next Steps
This monklet will display a row of 3 images/buttons from a link list. If images are not used, then a simple list of buttons will display (up to 4). The list of items can be setup under Content > Link Lists, and the name, link and image fields are used for each item.
When using this monklet, you will need to use the "find" parameter to tell the monklet which link list to display. An example would look like this: {{section-monklet-next-steps|find="next-steps-links"}}
Section Monklet - Visit Links
This monklet displays a row of banners from a link list (Content > Link Lists > Visit Links), and each link within the list represents a column. The description field of the link displays in the column area and the url and name are used to populate the button.
Within the monklet, the "find" parameter is used to specify which link list to use: {{section-monklet-visit-links|find="visit-links"}}
Note: The description field of the link list will display as paragraph text. If you would like to have a full html section content for a specific column, you can do so by creating a section with the desired content. Once created you will place the slug of the section in the corresponding link description field with curly braces. If you create a section labeled "Column 1 Section" the link description field should contain the slug as {{column-1-section}}.
Specialty Monklets
NOTE - These specialty monklets can be inserted in the page content area of a Subpage Default or Subpage Fullwidth template.
Staff Monklet
The "Staff Monklet" can be inserted into the content area of a page to display a list of staff members. This monklet displays all members assigned to the group "Staff".
Gallery Monklet
The "Gallery Monklet" can be inserted into the content area of a page to display a specific photo gallery grid.
After you insert the monklet, the specific gallery name you want to display needs to be added using the "find_gallery" parameter. The name of the gallery should be in slug format, which is the gallery name in lowercase with dashes in place of spaces.
For example, if you created a Gallery titled "Kids Photos", the monklet tag structure would look like this: {{gallery-monklet|find_gallery="kids-photos"}}