
Your site is setup for campus use.  This requires a few campus specific items to be setup.  For each campus there needs to be a matching group and church entry. The title for the group, church entry and home page MUST match (eg. Philadelphia will be labeled Philadelphia for each).

When visiting the site, a campus popup will display with info about your two locations, and users will be prompted to select a "home" campus. Once this is selected, a cookie will be set in the browser with the "home" campus selection will be set in the browser, and the user will either be directed to the main site (Philadelphia) or the Chalfont subsite homepage. Subsequent visits to the site will auto-direct the user to their "home" campus.

Note: Philadelphia is set as the default campus and will be used if a user does not have a campus selected.


People > Groups

Each campus should have a group entry.  Each campus group should also be assigned to the group series "Campuses"  The series assignment will help in differentiating campus groups from other groups used on the site.

Church Entry

People > Churches

Each campus MUST have a church entry that matches the campus group name.  The church module is used to allow each campus to have specific information eg. address, etc.

  • Worship Address
  • Church Email
  • Website - this is used for the learn more button.  The set campus automatically goes to the /campus-home-page.  This is separated to allow you to use the learn more button for a different page.
  • Telephone
  • Church Logo - Recommended 1024px by 576px
  • Description - additional text for the campus drop down
  • Service Times - used for your campus service times

Note: The info for each campus in the churches module will control the homepage map, footer logo column and campus menu popup content.

Home/Landing Page

The main site (Philadelphia campus) uses the default Index page.

The Chalfont subsite uses the "Chalfont - Index" template and must be labeled "Chalfont", so that it matches the campus name used in the groups and churches modules.