Homepage Overview

The "Index" template is your homepage template and is assigned automatically to your home page. In the CMS, your homepage will be titled "Index" and cannot be changed. This template operates the same as your "Subpage Fullwidth" template, with the exception of being able to add a true background image to each of your full width sections. 

The home page (Index) works using various modules and elements throughout Ekklesia. The basics are:

  • Header areathree options - static image, looping/muted background video or image rotator.
  • Sectionsnine fullwidth sections available (utilizing monklets)

Campus Homepages

Each campus MUST have a home page created with the "Index" template.  This will be used to displays the specific home header and section information for each campus.  The home page is the only page that will reload when the user changes campuses.  If a user is on any other page and changes campus, they will be taken to the URL that you placed in that church "Website" field, unless you have the campus cookies setup for a specific layout.

Note: There is also a stand alone page labeled Index.  This is the fallback home page.  It is recommended that the header and section assignments should match the same setup as the default campus home page.

Header Area

The header options for your homepage are the same for your subpage templates: static image, looping/muted background video or image rotator.

See detailed info about the header options HERE >>

Optional Header Fields

The "Header Background" field will add the curvy, transparent graphic overtop of your header image. When selected, the header text will move to the bottom left, in order to ensure the background is behind this text.  The recommended header image width will remain at 1366 pixels but the recommended height is 770px. 

This "Header Overlay" check box option will add a dark overlay to your header image or background video, so the text overtop is more visible.

The field "Header Text" adds content overtop of your static header image or background video. This works the same as the page content field, so you can include text, buttons, etc. 

With the header text field, you can opt to have rotating words within the a heading by wrapping a comma delimited list of words in a span tag with a custom class.  The span must contain the class "rotate-words".  An example is below:

<span class="rotate-words">answers, word 2, word 3</span>

A full heading example is below:

<h1>We see you&rsquo;ve been searching...<br />searching for <span class="rotate-words">answers, word 2, word 3</span>.</h1>

Note: the optional header fields will not be used with the image rotator option. The text overlay and additional settings pull from each rotator slide.


The rest of the page is controlled via sections, and the homepage sections function the same way as the "Subpage Fullwidth" template.

See detailed info about the homepage sections and monklets HERE >>