Homepage Sections & Monklets
Monklets are predefined code snippets that allow you to bring in other module content (sermons, events, etc.) into your pages. There are a few monklets that have been created that are placed in the content area of your sidebar sections.
You can use a monklet inside a section by placing your cursor in the content area, selecting
Insert > Insert Monklet > "Desired Monklet"
Some monklets allow/require inline parameters to define items from a specific group, category, etc. You can use one of the inline "find" parameters such as the "find_category" parameter to display items from a specific category. Example: {{section-monklet-featured-articles|find_category="stories"}}
Section Monklet - Next Steps
**Used in the Home - Next Steps Banners section
This monklet will display a row of 3 images buttons from a link list. The list of items can be setup under Content > Link Lists, and the name, description, link and image fields are used for each item.
When using this monklet, you will need to use the "find" parameter to tell the monklet which link list to display. An example would look like this:
*Note - sections that use this monklet will have the rellax/parallax squares turned off to match your design.
Section Monklet - Latest Sermon - Media
**Used in the Home - Sermon section
This monklet will display the most recent sermon with the sermon details on the left and video on the right. If you want to display the latest sermon from a specific group or category, you can use the find_group and find_category inline parameters as needed.
Here is an example of what this would look like if you wanted to display a sermon from the group/campus "South Campus":
*Note - sections that use this monklet will have the rellax/parallax squares customized in height and closeness to the media/images to match your design.
Section Monklet - Link List - Services
**Used in the Home - Sermon section
This monklet will display the contents of a single link entry as a two column feature similar to the sermon media monklet. The link list can be setup under Content > Link Lists. The image displays in one column with the Name displayed as the sub heading, the Sub Title displays as a heading below the sub heading and the description displays as the text. If you would like full html support in the description field you can enter the content into a section an then enter the section slug into the description field. The section slug would be the name of the section in lower case with dashes in place of spaces wrapped in double curly braces. As an example a section labeled "My Test Section" would look like {{my-test-section}} in the description field.
When using this monklet, you will need to use the "find" parameter to tell the monklet which link list to display. An example would look like this:
*Note - sections that use this monklet will have the rellax/parallax squares customized in height and closeness to the media/images to match your design.
Section Monklet - Featured Event
**Used in the Home - Featured Event section
This monklet will display the most recent featured event with the event details on the left and image on the right. If you want to display the event from a specific group or category, you can use the find_group and find_category inline parameters as needed.
Here is an example of what this would look like if you wanted to display the event from the group/campus "South Campus":
*Note - sections that have a dark background setting will have the rellax/parallax squares turned off to match your design.
Section Monklet - Latest Events
**Used in the Home - Events section
This monklet will display the 3 most recent events with the event details below the image image. If you want to display events from a specific group or category, you can use the find_group and find_category inline parameters as needed.
Here is an example of what this would look like if you wanted to display the events from the group/campus "South Campus":
*Note - sections that have this monklet will display a custom background image with the light gray color. This will override any section settings for the background and will have the rellax/parallax squares turned off to match your design.
Section Monklet - Link List - Icon Buttons
**Used in the Home - Resources section
This monklet will display a rows of custom buttons from a link list. The list of items can be setup under Content > Link Lists, and the name, description, link and icon class are used for each item. This can also be used in a column from the grid generator to match your home example.
When using this monklet, you will need to use the "find" parameter to tell the monklet which link list to display. An example would look like this:
*Note - sections that have a dark background setting will have the rellax/parallax squares turned off to match your design.
A full list of custom icons is available here: http://beltway.monkpreview3.com/_assets/fonts/icons/
Section Monklet - Latest Articles
**Used in the Home - Articles section
This monklet will display the 3 most recent articles with the article details below the image image. If you want to display events from a specific group or category, you can use the find_group and find_category inline parameters as needed.
Here is an example of what this would look like if you wanted to display the articles from the category "Stories":
*Note - sections that use this monklet will have the rellax/parallax squares customized in height and closeness to the media/images to match your design.