Header Background

Background Video
Using the field "Header Background Video (mp4/h264)" will replace the background image with a background video. The video must be MP4/H264 formatted video and should have a 16:9 aspect ration. When assigning a video to page the header image should also be applied for mobile fallback.
NOTE - This is a looping/muted background video with no controls so the video should be kept short in size/length.
NOTE - The header image is still used for mobile fallback and will display on desktop while the video is loading. A recommended approach would be the first still of the video as the header image.
If a rotator is assigned to a page (eg. the home page) the images will display as background images. If a slide has a caption this will display as a link in the center of the image. If there is no caption the slide will not link.
NOTE - The home page has a larger header area and the recommended image size is 1,280px by 720px (for retina images you can double the size at 2560px by 1440px.