Next Steps Layout
Next Steps | FBC Minneapolis
The custom next steps page is utilized by assigning a page in the CMS the template called "Next Steps". Once this template is selected in the CMS for a page, you can assign 5 different sections to the page.
1) This is where you would select the template to be used. In this case, you would select 'Next Steps'.
2) These are the assignable sections to the page.
3) This is the paragraph text that will appear at the top of the next steps page.
1) This paragraph text is edited in the WYSIWYG editor of the page in the CMS.
2) Each section assigned to the template will have an tab at the top. These tabs will pull in the information for the section, the sections use a WYSIWYG editor to add and style content, including the CTA buttons.
3) This image is selected as the "Custom Image" in the section.
4) The events will be pulled in from the events module of the CMS. Each section will look for events assigned to the category with the section name. So in order for events to display they must have the category that matches the section name assigned to them.