New Here Layout #1
The New Here layout is specifically designed to help you welcome new visitors. You can add information about what your church believes, directions, services times, and ways to get connected on a Sunday morning with events or programs during someone’s first visit.
Within the CMS, the New Here Layout, is referred to as a “template” from this point forward. You’ll see “New Template” as you make changes.
In a nutshell, this template works by pulling content from articles & events into the sections of the pagethat uses the New Template.
For static content (that you want to always be the same), use sections. The sections are assigned in the pages that are using the “New Template.”
For dynamically updated content (that you want to automatically keep recent and up to date), use articles and events
- You can duplicate content by making an article.
- You can’t pull in content from a page.
Identifying Your Sections
Your implementation and dev team should have already built out your New Template for you. You should only need to be editing an existing New Template. All you need to do is open it and you can start editing sections and adjusting your current settings. If you need to start from scratch, this Setup Guide should also be helpful.
In the New Here Template, you get the following sections:
- Connect Detail
- Expect Section
- Service Details
- Welcome Section
Using drop down menu boxes, you can activate different sections. But first you need to create the content (we’ll show you how in the next couple of steps) those sections pull into the New Template.
If you’re ready to just jump into the middle, and you need to find current instances of the New Here Template, navigate to “Content” and the Pages tab. If you have a large number of pages, you can use the “filter” button at the top and select the “New Template.” This will show only a list of pages that use the New Template.

Step One: Setup the Page
To start a new instance of the “New Here Template” add a new a page by going to the Content menu, selecting “pages” and clicking on the “add a new page” button.
On the new page that you’ll use for your “New Template”
- You’ll need to add a “page heading”
- You can ignore the “content” box, it will not display. You can leave the sample content, write notes to yourself, or delete the sample content and leave it blank.
- Select the “New Template” from the template dropdown menu. (Contact support or your account manager if you have more than one New Template to choose from.)
- Click “Save” and “Done.”
You’ll come back to this page to set up your different content sections. But first, you need to build that content.
Step Two: Building Articles
To bring content into the sections of your New Template, you will need to have articles, sections, and events properly set up. Once this content has been built and associated with your intended section, it will automatically populate your New Template.
How to Add Articles
- Navigate to CONTENT > ARTICLES.
- Click Add New Article button.
- In step 1, enter a title, category, series, date, and author then click Save Content.
- In step 2, enter in a brief summary, any keywords, and, of course, your content then click Add Content.
- In step 3, attach any related images, audio, video, and notes then click Submit Selections, Done, or Upload.
- Choose if you want to publish your article, or keep it as a draft until later.
For more detailed information (and a video) about how to add a new article, see support:
Step Three: Building Sections
How to Add Sections
- Either select an existing section, or click on Add New Section.
When building a new section, you’ll need to provide the following information:
- Name: The name of the section. Must be unique among other sections.
- Description: A brief description of the section. This is a note to yourself to quickly find the correct section on the section list page.
- Category: Depending on your implementation, a category may be required.
- Content: The actual content of the section (text, images, etc.). NOTE: See WYSIWYG Editor for detailed instruction on using the WYSIWYG.
For additional information about how to add a new section, see support:

Step Four: Building Events
How to Add Events (when you add the event, make sure it’s tagged correctly)
- Navigate to the EVENTS menu tab and click the Add a New Event button
- Fill out all Event information; being sure to include a Name, Start Date/Time and End Date/Time
- Click the Add Event button to add the Event, or the Cancel button to cancel adding the Event
- You can Publish the Event or Keep as Draft
Note: when adding events, be sure to use the drop down menu to tag the event with the category “new” so that the events will be properly pulled into the New Template section.
For more detailed information (and a video) about how to add new events, see our support page:

Step Five: Using the "Welcome" Section
Navigate to the Welcome section by clicking CONTENT and then SECTIONS. (Filter the list if necessary to make it easier to find the Welcome section.)
The welcome section can contain any type of content (text and embed codes for media) and supports all subpage styles. This example content uses a two column layout with an embed video. You can style it differently, but here’s the HTML you should use if you want your “Welcome” section to look like this one. Use the source code mode on the WYSIWYG editor (by pressing the < > button). Copy and paste the following code and be sure to substitute your text where appropriate.
Example HTML:
<div class="div-col-2">
<div class="div-col"><iframe width="300" height="150" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div>
<div class="div-col">
<p>You will discover a warm group of real people dedicated to following our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. From the moment you walk up to the building you can expect a heartfelt greeting is part of what makes a church a church. </p>
Step Six: Using the "Service Details and Times" Section
The “service details” section pulls content from the church information saved about your church in the CMS. This section displays as the second area of the New Here Template. Anything you enter in the “content” box becomes text at the top of this panel.
If you need to change your service locations, add service times, or update your information, use the People Menu and select the Churches tab. If you have more than one campus, select the one you’re working on. With only one campus, you should only have the one option.
(If the New Here Template is new to you, you may have to first add your church and the details. Learn more here:
The service times, map and directions display dynamically from the data in your churches module. This section will display the service times and address from the current campus. [If you are a multi-site church, your website development team will associate the correct “church” with the correct “new here template.”]

Step Seven: Using the "What to Expect" Section
The “What to Expect” section can contain any type of content and supports all subpage styles. Create an article with the content you would like, and then find that article in the drop down menu of this section of the template.
This example content uses a three column layout. Here’s the HTML you should use if you want your “Expect” section to look like this one. Use the source code mode on the WYSIWYG editor of the article you’re creating (by pressing the < > button). See the example in Step Five. Copy and paste the following code and substitute your text where appropriate.
Example HTML:
<div class="div-col-3">
<div class="div-col"><img src="" height="auto" width="NaN" />
<h5>Biblical Teaching</h5>
<p>Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit.</p>
<div class="div-col"><img src="" 360="" height="auto" width="NaN" />
<p>Quisque ac pellentesque dui. Ut in odio in tortor porttitor adipiscing non a nunc lacinia aliquam.</p>
<div class="div-col"><img src="" height="auto" width="100%" /><br />
<p>Ut in odio in tortor porttitor adipiscing non a nunc. Aliquam lacinia aliquam tellus at facilisis. </p>
Step Eight: Using the "Get Connected" Section - Setup
In the dropdown menus on step ten, this is called “Connect Detail.” The “get connected” section displays check box options from different categorized articles and events -- allowing your website viewers to request information about various areas. This works if you have put the articles and events into the “New Here - “ category and the correct sub-categories.
- DO NOT TURN THIS FUNCTION OFF. If you’d like to have this section enabled, please contact Support. But please do not turn it off without contacting our offices to make sure that won’t break other website functionality.
- The first column displays all of the article subcategories from the parent category "New Here - Ministries" (be sure to create article content with that sub-category).
- The second column is a mix of articles and events. But it pulls in the category labeled “New Here - Need” from both articles and events. Be sure to create content with matching subcategories.
- The third column displays articles from the sub-category "New Here - Interested"
- You may not have access to the use of Monklets. If you need to make more complex changes in your Get Connected panel, please contact our Support team.
Step Nine: The "Get Connected" Section - Output
Once a viewer selects a category and clicks the “Get Started” button, they are shown results from the selected categories. This feature also allows the user to have the results emailed to them.
Step Ten: Using Sections in Your New Template
Go back to the CONTENT > PAGES menu and find the page you started in Step One -- using the New Template. In the “sections” area at the bottom, use the dropdown menus to select the articles, sections, and content you created.
Click “Save” and “Done” to exit back to the menu.
You’re done.