Books #3

Adding a Book

Here we'll add a book to your collection.

  1. Navigate to Content > Books.
  2. Click the Add a New Book button.
  3. Provide a Title, Author and Image.
  4. Choose a Category.
  5. Add a Description using additional images or video if you like.
  6. Use the Affiliate URL to provide a purchase link or another detail page.
  7. Keywords will help with search engine optimization.
  8. Choose a Group or leave the default Site Group.


Adding a Booklist

Booklist is a way to keep Book records into organized groups.All books must belong to a booklist. Examples of Booklist names might be "Staff Picks", "Training Resources" or "Book Club".

Each Booklist can utilize a unique page Template, otherwise they will use the default Books template created by your developer.

  1. Go to Content > Books > Booklists.
  2. Click the Add a New Booklist button.
  3. Give the list a name and description.
  4. Set the Booklist Group. If you aren't using Groups on your site, the default Site Group should be used.
  5. Verify that your default or desired Template is set.
  6. Click Create.


Adding a Book Category

A Books Category offers another way to filter Books. Categories are much simpler and don't require much setup.

  1. Go to Content > Books > Caregories.
  2. Click the Add a New Category button.
  3. Enter a category name. If you'd like to make this a sub-category under an existing category, select the Parent. Though both parent and sub-categories are used in the same way on the website, it can be helpful to arrange them here for your reference.


Adding Books to a Booklist

Here we'll group books into a Booklist.

  1. Go to Content > Books.
  2. Select a few books in your list using the checkboxes on the left.
  3. Click the Edit Selected Books button at the top of the list.
  4. Choose Add Booklist to add the book(s) to a list.