Books #3
Adding a Book
Here we'll add a book to your collection.
- Navigate to Content > Books.
- Click the Add a New Book button.
- Provide a Title, Author and Image.
- Choose a Category.
- Add a Description using additional images or video if you like.
- Use the Affiliate URL to provide a purchase link or another detail page.
- Keywords will help with search engine optimization.
- Choose a Group or leave the default Site Group.
Adding a Booklist
A Booklist is a way to keep Book records into organized groups.All books must belong to a booklist. Examples of Booklist names might be "Staff Picks", "Training Resources" or "Book Club".
Each Booklist can utilize a unique page Template, otherwise they will use the default Books template created by your developer.
- Go to Content > Books > Booklists.
- Click the Add a New Booklist button.
- Give the list a name and description.
- Set the Booklist Group. If you aren't using Groups on your site, the default Site Group should be used.
- Verify that your default or desired Template is set.
- Click Create.
Adding a Book Category
A Books Category offers another way to filter Books. Categories are much simpler and don't require much setup.
- Go to Content > Books > Caregories.
- Click the Add a New Category button.
- Enter a category name. If you'd like to make this a sub-category under an existing category, select the Parent. Though both parent and sub-categories are used in the same way on the website, it can be helpful to arrange them here for your reference.
Adding Books to a Booklist
Here we'll group books into a Booklist.
- Go to Content > Books.
- Select a few books in your list using the checkboxes on the left.
- Click the Edit Selected Books button at the top of the list.
- Choose Add Booklist to add the book(s) to a list.