Church Teams
The Church Teams content begins with a Featured Opportunities area (see above). The heading and descriptive text at the top is managed with a Section: Serve - Church Teams Description. The four featured service opportunities are Articles with a category of "Church Teams" (more on this below) that have been set to "Publish as Featured."
This list of opportunities is managed using the Articles Module. Every church team opportunity needs to be published with the "Serve" group as well as the "Serve" category and contain the following information:
- Title
- Three Categories: Church Teams | Ministry Type | Time Commitment (example below)
- Date
- Author (this will determine the "Ministry Leader" for the opportunity)
- Summary
- Content (general description of the opportunity—may include a "Register" link or form)
- Image: 1600 x 900 pixels

Note: You can also designate other types of media for Church Team Articles (i.e. audio/video/notes), but this is not required. However, if you do attach a video to your Article (.mp4 format), then it will display at the top of the detail page, instead of the Article's main image.