Get Logged In
Verify Your Email Address
Check your inbox for an email titled, "Welcome to Your New Site." You will need to verify your e-mail address and choose a password before logging into Ekklesia360.

Where Do I Log In?
You can access the Ekklesia Content Management System (CMS) anytime by going to and logging in with your MonkID.
Sign In with MonkID

Email and Password

Confirm Your MonkID
* Now that you've created your login with email and password, you will be sent a 2nd confirmation email. You'll need to confirm your login to continue working.
Check your inbox for an email titled, "Confirmation Instructions." Please confirm your MonkID by using the "confirm my account" link.
Congrats on getting logged in!
Now you will be able to log into your CMS using your new MonkID anytime. Please let us know if you have any trouble getting logged in.