Homepage Header Image & Rotator

Rotating slide images can be assigned the the home page (INDEX) if the Header Background Video is not in use. The images in the rotator will display as background images. If a slide has a caption this will display as a link in the center of the image. If there is no caption, the slide will not link out.
Recommended image size: 1280px by 720px (for retina images you can double the size to 2560px by 1440px.

To edit or add a new rotator, go to MEDIA > ROTATORS. To display a rotator on the home page, the rotator title will need to be called 'Home Rotator.'
Add a Rotator to the Home Page

CONTENT > PAGES > click to edit the INDEX page > scroll down to ROTATOR > select 'Home Rotator'
Make sure that no Header Background Image is being applied.