Sermons Template
Navigate to Content > Sermons
Sermons Overview
The Sermons Template was specially designed to showcase your sermons online with a focus on ministry and outreach. This page displays the latest 10 sermons and includes a 'Filter By' bar allowing viewers to filter sermons by Series, Category, Month and Preacher.
Sermons can include video, audio, transcript, and downloadable access.
To add the Sermons Template to your website: Content > Pages > Navigation > + New Item > for Content select 'All Sermons'

The Sermon Template does not have a header image option.
Sermon Detail Page
When a sermon is selected from the overall list a sermon detail page will open to display the full content of that sermon.
Images assigned to individual sermons will display as as the header image of the sermon detail page.
Recommended image size: 664 x 377 pixels

Additional Help
Detailed sermon help can be found at