Custom Icons
This site supports vector icon fonts. This results in faster load times, more customizable designs, and easier editing. Icon fonts are loaded by "Icon" Name. In areas that support custom icons (such as the Footer Social Lists), refer to these names.
The Footer Social Links are editable under CONTENT > LINK LISTS > FOOTER SOCIAL LINKS

Footer Social Icons
CONTENT > LINK LIST > Footer Social Links
The current social media icons in the footer have icons assigned to them. You can remove these icons or change them in your link list module.
Step 1

Step 2
In Options, click the pencil icon to edit the Social Link

Step 3
In the description input you can either delete the icon text or update the icon with another icon listed above.

Social Media Icons Available
Facebook: icon-facebook
Twitter: icon-twitter-3
Instagram: icon-instagram
Youtube: icon-youtube
Pinterest: icon-pinterest
Vimeo: icon-vimeo
Google +: icon-google__x2B_