Subpages - Default vs Fullwidth


There are two subpage templates: "Subpage Default" and "Subpage Fullwidth".  Both of these templates support the regular page content but the "Subpage Default" template displays a right sidebar with sections while the "Subpage Fullwidth" templet spans the page content the full width of the scren on which it is being viewed.

Here is what a page using the Subpage Default templet will look like:


NOTE: This can vary slightly depending on if you have a

Here is what a page using the Subpage Fullwidth templet will look like:

At the top of the sidebar of a page using Subpage Default will be what we call Sidebar Navigation. This is the only place where 3rd level navigation items are designed to apear so if you plan on having 3rd level navigation items, make sure the parent page is using the Subpage Default templet, rather than the Subpage Fullwidth templet.

The page title and description (optional) will display above the page content.

*NOTE - The "Style Guide" page have been setup to review your site default styles.