Images Sizes
Below are some common image sizes for your site.
Page Header Image: 1,400px wide by 600px tall.
Module Images: Unless noted otherwise in this guide most module (sermons, events, etc.) images should be 1,024px wide by 576px tall.
Module Header Images: These should be the same size as the Page Header Image at 1,400px wide by 600px tall. This includes the Header Image field for modules such as sermons, events, etc. Note that most of these modules have two different image fields. The image assigned to the item and the header image. Typically header images are larger and are used for the detail page of the item where the image field is typically used for monklets, etc. and are smaller (typically a 1,024px wide by 576px tall).
A Word About Saving Images:
Larger pixel sizes look better on Retina Displays (you can double the size of the recommended images eg. module images could be 2,800px tall by 1,200px tall) but they can also be large file sizes if they are not optimized. To reduce file sizes and help speed up load times, be sure to use “Save for Web & Devices” in Photoshop or a similar setting in other tools. Always save photos at 50%–70% quality, especially if you double the recommended size.
Stock Images
A few stock photography websites:
- (free)
- (free)
- (free)
- (free + Premium)
- (from $10 per photo)
- (from $30 per photo)
- (unlimited images for yearly subscription fees of $249+)
Photo Editing Software
A few photo/image editing tools:
- (free or $2/month)
- (free or $10/month)
- Photoshop Express Editor (free)
- Photoshop Elements (under $100)
- Photoshop Creative Cloud ($20/month)