Missions Custom Template

This is the landing page for your custom missions template. Site visitors will see this information first and then have the option to view specific opportunities by clicking on one of the three buttons.
- The main header image on this landing page is managed like any other standard page on your site (using the "HEADER IMAGE" field in the page editor).
- The content area can be edited using the standard WYSIWYG editor for this page.
- The three main buttons are static and will not change.
Next, we'll take a look at the different content that will be loaded by each of the three buttons: Short Term, Near, and Far.

Articles that have been assigned the category of "Missions : Short Term" will show up in this list of opportunities. Each article will need the following information:
- Title
- Author (used to specify a Contact Person)
- Summary (few sentences)
- Content (full description)
- Image (size: 1200 x 632 pixels)
You can also add an optional video for each article, using an actual video file, or just the embed code from YouTube or Vimeo. (The video will display on the article detail page, once the user has clicked on an opportunity.)

The "Near" content works very much like the Short Term section—it uses the Articles module and any article with a category of "Missions : Local" will appear in this area. Each article will need the following information:
- Title
- Author (used to specify a Contact Person)
- Summary (few sentences)
- Content (full description)
- Image (size: 1200 x 632 pixels)
You can also add an optional video for each article, using an actual video file, or just the embed code from YouTube or Vimeo. (The video will display on the article detail page, once the user has clicked on an opportunity.)

Mission Trips are managed with the Events module; events that have been assigned the "Mission Trips" category will show up on the map. NOTE: the trip featured at the bottom of the page is a mission trip event that has been set to "Publish > Featured."
All trips will need the following details entered:
- Name of trip
- Summary
- Description
- Start/End Times
- Location (recommend using City and Country nearest to destination)
It's optional, but recommended, that you also include an image (size: 900 x 506 pixels) and a coordinator for each event/trip. Trips that are set to "Publish > Featured" should definitely have an image.