Subpage Sections

Your Subpage templates allows up to 8 content sections. Each section can contain text, images, etc.
Content > Sections
Content - This is the main content block and supports the content/styles of the page content.
Background Color (HEX) - This color allows you to set the background color of the section and should be a html hex value. A good reference is
Background Image - This serves as the section background image. This image should be 1,280px in width by the desired height. The height will depend on the amount of content in the section. A recommended height would be between 600px and 1,200px (double for retina).
Dark Background - Selecting this checkbox displays the content in white color on top of the site default section background color or dark background image.
Large Container - The default section container matches the content max width of 900px. By selecting this option the container increases to a max width of 1100px (eg. the "Connect with SCGChurch" section on the home page).
Parallax Background - This option turns the Background Image into a parallax background.