Next Steps


1. Next Steps Icons

The 4 next steps icons along the top of the page are managed under Content > Link Lists > Next Steps. Each item displays in the list, and you can click the pencil icon to edit the details.

When eding each item, the following fields are used:

  • Name: title underneath the image
  • Image: background image
  • Description: subtitle (optional)
  • BG Color: color overlaying the background image
  • Icon Class: icon graphic
  • Section Hash: cooresponding section link down the page

2. Sections

The 4 sections down the page are managed under Content > Sections. Each one is titled with "Next Steps" and the respective name (ie: "Next Steps - Love God").

Within each section, the following fields are used:

  • Name: for internal use only
  • Content: the text displaying within the section. The title is using Header 2, and the subtitle is using Header 6.
  • Background Color: color overlaying the background image
  • Background Image: section background image
  • Dark Background: inverts the section text to white

Note: Within the content field, you will see a "next-step-links" monklet tag below the text. This controls the links at the bottom of each section (see #3 below), so please make sure this remains in the content field.

As noted above, each section has a "next-step-links" monklet tag in the content field that is pulling in the links at the bottom. These are managed under Content > Link Lists, and there is a separate list for each of the 4 sections.

Within each list, the "name" and "lin" field can be managed for each link.

Page Settings

Please note the following settings for your custom next steps page:

  • The {{next-steps-icons-monklet|find="next-steps"}} monklet is added in the content field, which displays the icons along the top of the page (see #1 above).
  • The top portion is similar to your subpages, so you can add a header image or rotator.
  • The "template" field is set to the "Next Steps Template".
  • Each of the sections down the page are assigned in the Sections area (see #2 above).