Monklets are snippets of code used to dynamically include content from your site. For example, a Monklet can be used to include the latest blog post, the three latest articles, or a signup form from the Forms module.
To insert a Monklet into your content, click Insert > Insert Monklet and select the Monklet you want from the pop-up menu.

Sidebar Monklet
There are several common section Monklets available for you to use in the sidebar.
Sidebar Monklet - Featured Event : Displays the most recent event that was published as featured.
Sidebar Monklet - Recent Article : Displays the most recent article.
Sidebar Monklet - Recent Post : Displays the most recent blog post from all blogs.
Sidebar Monklet - Recent Sermon : Displays the most recent sermon.
Section Monklets
There are several common section Monklets for use in the content sections (subpage, fullwidth sections, and home page).
Section Monklet - Latest Sermon : Displays the most recent sermon. The series image is used as the background image and should follow the background image specifications for the sections. When using this Monklet none of the section settings apply.
Section Monklet - Recent Articles : Displays the 3 most recent articles.
Section Monklet - Recent Posts : Displays the 5 most recent posts in a rotator. You will need to use the name option to define which blog to pull posts from. provides details on using the find tag. For example: {{section-monklet-recent-posts|name="our-blog"}}. When using this Monklet the only section setting used is the background image (this displays in the left column with the subscribe button).
Section Monklet - Upcoming Events : Displays the 3 most recent events.
Updating Links
The Full Calendar and All Messages links are displayed by their Monklets. If you change the events or sermons landing pages these links will need to be updated.
Full Calendar
This link is used in the Monklets called "Sidebar Monklet - Featured Event" and "Section Monklet - Upcoming Events" and is currently pointed to If the events page changes, you will need to update the link in both of these Monklets. Go to CONTENT > MONKLETS and select the Monklet. You will replace the line /resources/events with the new events location.
All Messages
This link is used in the Monklet called "Section Monklet - Latest Sermon" and is currently pointed to If the sermons page changes, you will need to update the link in the Monklet. Go to CONTENT > MONKLETS and select the Monklet. You will replace the line /resources/sermons with the new sermons location.
Staff Monklet
Mk030 comes with a staff monklet that can be used to easily create and manage a staff page. Go to the staff monklet article in the setup guide for further instruction.