Gallery Monklet
The Gallery Monklet is a small code snippet that can be inserted into the content area of any page to display a specific photo gallery. The photo gallery is made up of small thumbnail images which, once clicked, will display the photos in a lightbox format.
Monklet code: {{gallery-monklet|find_gallery="name-of-the-gallery"}
Recommended Image Size: 1200 x 800 pixels (size can vary)
Help Article: Gallery Overview

Inserting a Gallery Monklet
NOTE: Before you can insert a Gallery, you will need to create a Gallery: Media > Galleries.
In the content editing section of a page, click Insert > Insert Monklet > Gallery Monklet.

After you insert the Monklet, you will use the "find_gallery" inline paramater to define which gallery to use. The name of the gallery should be in slug format, which is the gallery name in lowercase with dashes in place of spaces.
Example using the gallery titled "Photo Gallery 1":
Help Article: Monklets