School Homepage


Managed under Content > Sections > Home Tagline School


Navigate to Media > Rotators > "School Rotator"

The rotator images are 701 x 414 pixels

Featured Links

Navigate to Content > Link Lists > School Featured Links

The featured images are 217 x 128 pixels.

Current School Homepage Sections

Navigate to Content > Pages > click to edit the School Homepage.

In the homepage 'Sections,' you can select which 2 sections you would like to be displayed on the Homepage. Footer Featured 1 and Footer Featured 2.

The default setup include upcoming events and sermons for these two sections.

Upcoming Events

Managed under Content > Sections > School Events 

This section automatically displays upcoming events published to the "school" group. The title and "more" link can be updated within the section.


Managed under Content > Sections > School Sermon

This section automatically displays the latest sermon published to the "school" group. The title and "more" link can be updated within the section.