Ministry Template #1

Please note the following additions:

  1. For the "Resources" section, the articles need to have the "Resources" category assigned as well as any additional ones.
  2. Section added for Life Groups that pulls in a specific category of groups
  3. Section added for Missions Opportunities that pulls in a specific category of event opportunities – in addition to the main category, the “Missions” category also needs to be assigned to these events.


The Ministry Template is a versatile template that can be used for ministries, campus detail pages, and more. Unlike other Ekklesia templates, you will be able to reuse this template as many times as you'd like. The sections are fully editable, making it easy to drop in new content or rearrange the order of sections on the template. Specific sections can pull in specific content from the CMS, making it easier to display staff members, events, sermons, or articles. 

Layout Features

Locate Your Template

Your implementor should have already built the Ministry Template #1 and added it to your site.

Content > Pages. If you can't locate it in the list, use the Template Filter.

Editing the Template

Familiarize yourself with this screen as it will be the base of all the moving parts and sections of your template. The template is pre-built with monklets and sections for you to begin editing.

Monklets: Displays specific information from other modules of Ekklesia 360. For example, an events monklet will display the event information you've entered into the Events Module. You can set parameters for the monklet to pull in more specific information like a category of events.

Sections: The template is built in sections that are placed on the template. A section can display any type of content you create- text, images, videos, links, and monklets. Some of the pre-built sections have additional pre-build monklets.

Header Image

The image header will fill the entire screen making it fullwidth. The image is responsive and will change depending on a user's screen size. We recommened that the image does not include text. Instead you can use the title field or upload a logo file (more to come below).

Header Image Specifics:

  • JPEG
  • Recommended Size: 1600 x 480 px
  • Color Space: RBG

Help Site: Image Editing Tools

PRO-TIP: To ensure your page title or logo is legible, it's helpful to blur the background or choose an image with opposite colors from your font or logo.

Page Title

The page title will display on top of the header image and the font style will match your site’s style guide.

PRO-TIP: The page title will be replaced if a logo is uploaded onto the page.

The Header Logo will display on top of the Header Image and automatically replace the page title. 

Logo File Specifics:

  • PNG
  • Transparent Background
  • Recommended Size: 410 × 100 px
  • Color Space: RGB

Looking for a logo refresh for a specific ministry? Contact us and our design team will partner with you!

Anchor Page Navigation

One of the best features of the Ministry Template is the sticky Anchor Page Navigation. Each title is linked to a section on the template. When clicked, page visitors will be moved down to the anchor points. The Navigation remains at the top as visitors move down the page.

Adding Anchor Titles

All titles of the Anchor Nav item are entered in the “Description” field of each section, except for the first anchor link. This title is entered into the "Description" field of the page itself.

Example: The text “Main Content” is entered into the "Description" field of the page and displays as the first anchor link in the Anchor Page Navigation. 

The text "Staff" is entered into the "Description" field of the section, and displays as the anchor link in the Anchor Page Navigation.

PRO-TIP: We recommend using short titles for the anchor links to ensure that the navigation doesn't become crowded.


Any content entered into the “Content” field on the Ministry Template page will display below the Anchor Page Navigation.

The Content field is a WYSIWYG editor that supports all text, media, links, etc. It's a great space to place a welcome message to visitors, the mission statement or any other intro info about your ministry. 

Content Monklets

In the Content field, the template has prebuilt monklets to pull in bits of information about your staff, events, and to display the tabbed content. 

Staff Monklet

In order to display a staff member using this monklet in the Content field, you will first need to add the member to a specific group and then enter the group title into the monklet code.

If deleted, copy & paste:


Add Staff to a Group
  1. Navigate to People > Members > Add a New Member or Edit an existing member.
  2. Add/edit the staff member’s information.
  3. Navigate to Groups and create a group for the staff members you’ll display on the Ministry Template. 
Add the Group Title to the Monklet

Next you’ll need to make sure the monklet is pulling the correct group of staff members. 

  1. Navigate back to the Ministry Template to the Content field.
  2. Enter the group name into the monklet code using Inline Parameters.

Events Monklet

To display an upcoming event using this monklet in the Content field, you will first need to add events to a specific group and then enter the group title into the monklet code.

If deleted, copy & paste:


Add Events to a Group
  1. Navigate to Events > Add a New Event or Edit an existing event.
  2. Add/edit event details and navigate to the publish page.
  3. Navigate to Publish
  4. Add Another Group for the events you’ll display on the Ministry Template. 
Add the Group Title to the Monklet

Next you’ll need to make sure the monklet is pulling the correct group of events. 

  1. Navigate back to the Ministry Template to the Content field.
  2. Enter the group name into the monklet code using Inline Parameters.

Tabbed Content Monklet

Each section shows unique content and is supported by the WYSIWYG editor with font styles, media, links, and more. 

Navigate to Content > Sections > then select the section you would like to edit  - “Ministry Layout - Tab 1,” “Ministry Layout - Tab 2,” “Ministry Layout - Tab 3,” and “Ministry Layout - Tab 4.”   

PRO-TIP: If you would like to add more than 4 sections, simply copy one of the preexisting "Ministry Layout Tab” sections and add the section to the Link List "Ministry Layout - Tabs.” See this help article on Setting up Tabbed Content

Tabbed Content Titles

A Link List is used to designate the tab title. Avoid chaing the Link List title.

Navigate to Content > Link Lists > “Ministry Layout - Tabs”

Name: Enter the title you would like to appear on as the Tab Title

Description: In the description field you’ll find the title of a section. This description refers to the name of the section that the tab title is connected to (you'll add information in the Sections Module, not here).

Once all your tab titles have been entered, you’re ready to start adding content to the Sections.

Help Site: Editing Link Lists

Do not edit the "Link List" title or the "Description" field for each link list item

Ministries have a lot of great things going on and many stories to tell. The tabbed content section is a great way to organize info without overwelming the page with clutter. The template has been built to display 4 tabs of content that you can edit or rearrange the order of.

Tabbed Content Sections


Your templates features up to 10 sections that you can fully edit and rearrange the order of. You can use as many or as few sections as you want on each ministry page.

We have 5 pre-formatted sections that require minimal set-up on your end (below). You can also create sections (Content > Sections) yourself for your ministry pages, that highlight certain parts of your ministry our sections don't already.

The following Sections are edited within the Section Module. You can access each section from the Ministry Template or by going to the Section Module and searching for the following titles: 

Staff "Ministry Layout 1 - Staff"

Events "Ministry Layout 1 - Events"

Resources "Ministry Layout 1 - Resources"

Volunteer "Ministry Layout 1 - Volunteer"

Sermon "Ministry Layout 1 - Sermon”

Ministry Category

The Ministry Layout page has a Ministry Category field that which determines what content will display in our pre-formatted sections. This sets the group or category of staff, events, resources, or sermons will pull from within your CMS. Be sure you type the exact name in the Ministry Category field, and that you use the same name throughout the CMS. We'll walk through doing in each module that next. 

Staff Section

The staff section is already set up for you, but can be edited within the Section Module. You can access this section from the Ministry Template or by going to the Section Module and searching for "Ministry Layout 1 - Staff"

Add Staff to a Group

In order to display a staff member using this monklet in the Section, you will first need to add the staff member to the specific group called on in the Ministry Category field of the page. 

Add Members to a Group

  1. Navigate to People > Members > Add a New Member or Edit an existing member.
  2. Add/edit the staff member’s information.
  3. Navigate to Groups and create a group for the staff members you’ll display on the Ministry Template. 

Events Section

The events section already set up, but can be edited within the Section Module. You can access this section from the Ministry Template or by going to the Section Module and searching for  "Ministry Layout 1 - Events"

Add Events to a Group

In order to display events using this monklet in the Section, you will first need to add the events to the specific group called on in the Ministry Category field of the page. 

Add Members to a Group

  1. Navigate to Events > Add a New Event or Edit an existing event.
  2. Add/edit the event information.
  3. Navigate to Publish and create a group for the events you’ll display on the Ministry Template. 

Resource Section

The resources section has been designed to pull in content from the Articles Module that can host ministry resources, stories, or updates. You can attach audio files, videos, or PDF's to each Article.

Create Article Resources

Add Articles to a Group

In order to display Article resources in this section, you will first need to add Articles to the specific group 

called on in the Ministry Category field of the page. 

Add Articles to a Group

  1. Navigate to Content > Articles > Add a New Article or Edit an existing Article.
  2. Add/edit the Article content
  3. Navigate to Publish and create a group for the Articles you’ll display on the Ministry Template. 

Volunteer Section

If you've already purchased one of our Volunteer Templates, you can also highlight ministry specific volunteer opportunities. The volunteer section is already set up for you, but can be edited within the Section Module. You can access this section from the Ministry Template or by going to the Section Module and searching for "Ministry Layout 1 - Volunteer"

Add a Volunteer Opportunity & Author

  1. Navigate to Content > Articles > Add A New Article
  2. Indicate the Title of the volunteer opportunity, Category, and Author (ministry leader)

AUTHORS: The author of the Article will display as the Volunteer Opportunity leader. The email address connected to the author will display as the contact method.

Volunteer Opportunity Details

Now that all Categories and Authors have been added, it's time to start adding Volunteer Opportunities content like a summary and description.

  1. Add a Summary
  2. Add a description

Summary: Content entered into the Summary field will display on in the list view of the Volunteer Opportunity template. This can be a brief description that is quick and easy for a reader. 

Content: The Content field will display on the Volunteer Opportunity detail page. In this area you can add images, videos, text formatting, Ekklesia forms, or links to your ChMS form.

Image: Each Volunteer Opportunity can have it's own image displayed in the section. All images are entered into the Image field on the media step.

Add to a Group

In order to display a Volunteer Opportunity using this monklet in the Section, you will first need to add the opportunity to the specific group called on in the Ministry Category field of the page. 

Add Articles to a Group

  1. Navigate to Content > Articles > Add a New Article or Edit an existing Article.
  2. Add/edit the Article content
  3. Navigate to Publish and create a group for the Articles you’ll display on the Ministry Template. 

Don't have a Volunteer Template? Contact Support about how we can get you set up!

Sermon Section

The Sermon Section has been designed to display featured sermons for a specific ministry or campus. The sermon section is already set up for you, but can be edited within the Section Module. You can access this section from the Ministry Template or by going to the Section Module and searching for "Ministry Layout 1 - Sermons"

Add a Sermon

Navigate to Content > Sermons > Add a New Sermon

Help Site: Adding Sermons

Add Sermons to a Group

In order to display a Sermon in this section, you will first need to add the sermon to the specific group called on in the Ministry Category field of the page. 

Add Articles to a Group

  1. Navigate to Content > Sermons > Add a New Sermon or Edit an existing Sermon.
  2. Add/edit the Sermon content & media
  3. Navigate to Publish and create a group for the Sermon you’ll display on the Ministry Template.