The Home Page offers 3 display options:
1. Header Image: a static full-width image (see instructions here)
2. Rotator: rotating slide images (see instructions below)
3. Header Background Video: looping video (see instructions here)
By default, this theme has been setup using the Rotator option. You can select which option to use on your home page by editing the Index Page. (Content > Pages > click to edit the Index page)
Home Rotator
Navigate to Media > Rotators > click to edit the Home Rotator
Home Rotator Size and Details
Image Size: Rotator Images should be at a ratio of 288 : 127 with the recommended size of 1440px by 635px (for retina images you can use 2,880px by 1,270px).
Resolution: 72 px/inch
Format: .JPG or .PNG
For best results, correctly size your rotator images before uploading them into the Home Rotator.
Help Site - How To Resize And Crop Your Images Online
Add Rotator to Any Page
A rotator is a series of images, usually between three and six, that rotate around like a slideshow. You can either create a rotator or edit the existing rotator. To do this go to MEDIA > Rotators > ADD A NEW ROTATOR
If you are creating a new rotator, name your rotator and choose the transition time, which is the amount of time it will stay on each slide before switching to the next slide. You can then assign the rotator to a page right away or you can leave this part blank if you want to add it later. The rotator that is being created in the image below would be assigned to the INDEX page (aka Home page) once you click save.

Each step 1-5 correlates with 1-5 in the image below.
1. Enter in the first image or video you would like to appear on your rotator. Each slider requires a Image/Video and the image/video must be already uploaded to your Media Module.
2. If you have a page/event/sermon/etc. that this slide is about, you can select that page to autofill all the information in step three. This step is optional and you can instead just fill in the information manually in step three.
3. Give each slide a title, caption, and link (if it's not already filled in from step two). A title is important and the caption is optional and will be shown on top of the photo.
The link is where the person will be taken if they click on the slide. Click "Open link in new window" if you want the user to be taken to a new window when they click on the slide.
4. If you publish the slide it will immediately be shown on any page that implements this rotator. You can also choose to publish slides at a later date by filling in "Schedule a publish status change". This option is useful if you are currently using the rotator, but do not want a certain slide to show up until a later date.
5. Save your slide! Follow steps 1-4 for all additional slides you would like to add to your rotator.

If you wish to add the rotator to a page that you did not add in the beginning then click to that page and add the rotator in the field "Rotator".
Note: If there is a Header Image in use on a page then it will not show up if a rotator is assigned.