Campus Locations & Map


This section displays an interactive map for your campus locations. When you click on a campus tab or map pin point, the campus info displays, including the campus name, photo, address and services times.

When selecting a map pin point or hovering over the campus tabs, a "Learn More" button appears, which links to an in-depth page about the campus.

Managing Your Campuses

The campuses are setup under People > Churches. The five campuses are listed here, and you can click each one to edit the details.

Within the Churches module, the following fields are used:

  • Name: for internal use only. Note - a number is included with the campus title, which controls the order of the campus tabs in this section, so please make sure this stays in place (ex 1.Original Campus)
  • Worship Address: determines the pin point location on the map. Your addresses can be setup under Events > Locations, and then selected in the address dropdown for the respective campus.
  • Website: controls the "learn more" link for the campus tabs, so this needs to include the page URL for each campus detail page
  • Church Logo: controls the image for the campus map pin point
  • Service Times: this info will display when selecting a campus map pin point
  • Title: controls the title for the campus tab and map pin point