Articles Template


The Articles layout is a great place to showcase stories, testimonies, topical studies, etc., and you can use a wide variety of media with each article. The main page will show one "featured" article at the top (an article you've set to "Publish As Featured") and a list of other recent articles down below.

This template uses Articles Layout 2 from our layouts site and displays items from the Articles module.

Help Article: Articles Overview

Managing Articles

To get started, navigate to Content > Articles and choose "Add A New Article."


Enter a title for your article, a category (so users can find it more easily), a series (optional), date, and author.

It's good practice to add a summary for your article and some relevant keywords (for SEO). Most importantly, use the WYSIWYG content editor to add the primary text for your article.

Lastly, use the Media tab to upload and assign any special media elements that you'd like to include with the article:

  • Notes: A PDF document works well for this option, so that your users will be able to easily download and view it.
  • Audio: An audio file needs to be in .mp3 format.
  • Image: This image will display at full-width at the top of the article detail page, and it should be 1010 pixels in width (height can vary).
  • Video: MP4 or h.264 is the best file option for videos on the web.

Once you've added all of the article details, make sure to publish it! Use the "Publish As Featured" option if you'd like the article to display at the top of the page.