Custom Layouts

Ministry #1


  • The header image and title/header text use the default fields outlined in the guide
  • The tabs example uses the default tabbed content option with your theme
  • The ministry resources monklet uses the article parent category "Resources"
  • The ministry volunteer monklet uses the article parent category "Volunteer"

New Here #3


  • The header image and header text use the default fields in your page settings

Next Steps #1


  • The header image and header text use the default fields in your page settings

Small Group #1 - Life Group Finder

Button filters are added for your three service times: 8, 9:30, 11. Once a service time (button) is selected, users select a category using the dropdown filter.

When setting up your Life Groups, the respective "service time" group needs to be assigned on the Publish screen.

When setting up your groups, the "Image" field is used to control the group image on the Details page.

Small Group #2 - Missionary Finder

The email notification for the hard coded form on the details page will be sent to the respective leaders within each group.

Staff #3

This template uses staff #3 from our layouts site and provides an image-based view of staff members, contact information, and bio. All staff information is added and edited in the People module and arranged by series and groups.

People > Members > Groups > Series

The Series will include all of your different staff Groups on the template. The Series will not display anywhere, it is used to control the order Groups appear on your Staff Page.

  • SERIES - "Staff Groups Pastors ":  Used to display all groups in the top pastors area.
  • SERIES - "Staff Groups Featured":  Used to display all groups in a featured area between the pastors and the filtered area.
  • SERIES - "Staff Groups":  Used to display all groups in the filtered area.

GROUPS: Groups are displayed to provide distinction between types of staff members. For example, Pastoral, Administration, Children’s Ministry, Elders, etc.

Volunteer #2 - Volunteer Opportunities and Missions

This page uses the "Volunteer #2" template and will display articles assigned to the Volunteer category.

*NOTE - The two custom sections are labeled "Volunteer 2 - Highlight" and "Volunteer 2 - Where to Serve".

Missions Layout

This page uses the "Missions Volunteer Template" and will display all articles assigned to the Missions category. The Missions sub categories shows as buttons across the top of the layout: AL, International and United States, and both the parent "Missions" category and one of the sub categories need to be assigned to your missions articles.