School Homepage
The School Homepage is titled "School" and uses the "School Index" template.
- Logo - managed under Content > Links Lists > School Logo
- Header Links - managed under Content > Links Lists > School - Top Links
School Homepage Sections
Navigate to Content > Pages > click to edit the School page.
In the homepage 'Sections,' you can select up to 9 sections specific to the School homepage.

The following sections are setup for the School subsite. You are also welcome to create new sections with your own content as well as copy the Church ones. If you do copy any of the pre-built Church sections using a monklet, inline parameters can be added to pull School specific content.
Help Article: Using Monklets and Using Inline Parameters
School - Carousel
Image rotator items are managed under Content > Link Lists > School - Featured Carousel
School - Event Section
This section uses the following monklet to display all events published to the "School" group:
The overall setup of the School footer works the same as the Church site; however, the following sections are used:
- Newsletter Signup - managed under Content > Sections > School - Footer. This section can be edited with your own content.
- Address - managed under People > Churches > St. Jude Catholic School
Setup Guide: Footer Overview