Missions 1


Editing the Template

Upon receiving the layout, the Missions #1 template will be added to your site and an example page setup for you. Go to Content > Pages to locate your Missions page in the list.

Like most pages for your site, you can assign an image to the layout's header area, and this will be managed within the page settings. Depending on your theme's design, the page title will typically overlay the header image.


The majority of this template is built using sections, which are pre-selected under the "Sections" area of your page settings. Most of these sections contain monklets to pull content from other areas in the CMS, such as events, link lists, etc., and each is outlined under the Sections area below.


The Missions template includes seven sections. The "Intro + Stats" section will display at the top of your page, but the others can be added or rearranged as needed. These are assigned under the Sections area of your page settings. You can also add your own content sections to the layout.

An overview of each pre-built section is included below.

Intro + Stats Section

Section Name: "Missions 1 - Intro and Stats"

This is a special section that offers a two column structure and animated numbers to highlight the progress of your missions team.

  • Within the section, the "content" field will display your intro in the left-hand column, and the section "background image" field will be used for the right-hand column background.
  • The animated statistics on the right-hand side are managed with a specific linklist: Missions 1 - Stats. Each item in the list should have a name, a description (the number to be counted up to), and an icon class. Please refer to your setup guide for a full list of icons available with your site.

Note: If you don't need the special functionality that this section offers, you can select "none" for the Intro + Stats dropdown in the page's Section menu. Instead, you can use WYSIWYG editor within your page to add content to the top of your layout.

Missions Trips List/Filter Section

Section Name: "Missions 1 - Trips List"

Within the section, you can manage the section title and background color. The following monklet will also display in the section, which pulls in the trip content.


Trips are managed through the Events module (Events > Events). For each trip, you will want to include the following:

  • Description
  • Image (recommended size: 1600 x 600 pixels)
  • Start and end dates
  • Location
  • Coordinator
  • Cost

On the layout, the filter options in the left-hand menu are using event categories. Under the "categories" tab of the events module, you will see a category called "Missions Trips".

Note: Each trip must be assigned to the "Missions Trips" parent category, and this title must not be changed.

The first level under this parent category will be the headings used for the group filters (i.e. Trip Length or Trip Type). The second level will be the actual values that you can assign to various trips (i.e. Short Term, Evangelism). The filter titles and categories can be modified and changed as needed, as long as the "Missions Trips" parent category remains unchanged.

Help Article: Add an Event

Call to Action Section

Section Name: "Missions 1 - Call to Action"

This section/monklet can be used to link to your blog or another page for latest news about your trips or additional missions info. The content for this call out bar is managed under the "Missions 1 - CTA Content" link list. The link list should have only one item, and that item needs to have a name (used for button title), a description (used for the heading text, and a link (where the CTA button takes the user).

Within the "Mission 1 - Call to Action" section, the following monklet is used to pull in the link list content:


Note: the link list name is included with the "find" parameter in the monklet. So, if you change the link list name or create another call to action link list, the new link list name will need to be added into the monklet, like this example:


Missionary Map Section (two options available)


There are two versions of the missionary map—one that emphasizes regions of the globe and another that uses map markers to show specific missionary locations. Use the monklet option that best suits your ministry's needs, but remember that only one map can be used on the page!


The map will highlight regions, so that a general area can be used instead of a specific location. Clicking a region in the sidebar will expand to show a list of missionaries as well as highlight the selected region on the map. When a missionary is selected, a tool tip box will display over the region with some details about the missionary and a link for more info.


The map uses map markers for specific missionary locations. Clicking a region in the sidebar will expand to show a list of missionaries in that area. When a missonary is selected, a tool tip box will display at the specific pin point location with some details about the missionary and a link for more info. The pin points on the map can also be selected to display the tool tip.

For the map options, there are two different monklets: "Missions 1 Layout - Map With Regions" AND "Missions 1 Layout - Map With Markers"

With the missions template, there will be a section setup with each monklet already added, so you can select the desired section for your page:

  • Missions 1 - Missionary Regions Map - includes the "map with regions" monklet
  • Missions 1 - Missionary Markers Map - includes the "map with markers" monklet

Map Regions

You can use the "Missions 1 - Map Regions" link list to change which regions are displayed in the map menu, as well as change the order that the regions appear (see list below).

Note: the region names are hard-coded within the layout code and must not be changed.

Setting Up Your Missionaries

Missionaries are added to the layout using the Small Groups module (under Events > Small Groups), and the following fields are used:

  • Name: missionary name
  • Descriptions: will show on the missionary detail page, as well as inside the map tooltip box. This is a full WYSIWYG editor, so you can add text, links, buttons, etc.
  • Categories: make sure to assign the parent category of "Missionaries" and also assign ONE of the twelve region-categories. (The region names are hard-coded within the layout code and must not be changed.)
  • Image: will show up on the missionary detail page in the page header
  • Location (map with pin points only): If you're using the "Markers" version of the map, you will need to enter the missionary location here. If you're using the "Regions" version of the missionary map, you can leave this blank.
  • Primary Leader (optional): If you would like to have either a headshot or a contact form on your missionary's detail page, you will need to also set the missionary up within the Member's module (People > Members), add a photo if desired, and then enter an email address in the "alternate email" field, if you'd like the contact form to display. Finally, assign the new "member" as the primary leader to the corresponding missionary/small-group.
CMS Example Image

Detail Pages

This layout includes separate detail pages for all trips and missionaries. The detail pages will display when selecting a trip in the filter section or when clicking the "more details" button for a missionary.

Trip Details

Trip detail pages are automatically generated using the URL structure below, and the page content will pull from the respective trip event.


NOTE: The background image for the right-hand column on the trip detail page is managed through a linklist: "Missions 1 - Trip Details Background". If using a dark background, enter "dark" in the description field to make the text lighter and easier to read.

Missionary Details

Missionary detail pages are automatically generated using the following URL structure:


The page will display the details entered in the small group fields: name, description, and image.

Member Record

In order to display a headshot and/or contact form for a missionary, you will need to setup that missionary in the Member module (People > Members). Within the member details, you can add a photo and enter an email address in the "alternate email" field. The contact form for the missionary will be sent to this email. Once the member is created, you can then assign the member in the "primary leader" field for the corresponding missionary/small-group.

If the "primary leader field is not populated for a missionary, then the description field will display fullwidth on the page. You can also add images and embed a form in the description field, if you'd like.

Help Article: Add A New Member

Contact Form

The missionary detail page includes an optional form, which will automatically send submissions to the cooresponding member assigned in the "primary leader" field. This form is hard-coded so the title and questions cannot be changed.