Giving #1
Steps Overview
- Locate the Giving Template
- Title the Template
- Create a Image Rotator
- Edit the Giving Link
- Edit the Giving Overview
- Edit the More Info Top
- Edit the More Info Tabbed Sections
- Publish The Article
Template Overview
The Giving Layout is designed to answer the how and why your congregation should give. Using the sections you can list ways people can give at the church through online methods, or on Sunday morning. Using the tabbed section you can provide more information about budgets, vision, answer frequently asked questions, or tell stories of the impact of giving on people’s lives. The key to this layout is the Call to Action “Give Online” button that can be linked to any giving platform.
Before Getting Started
Your implementor should have already built out the Giving Template for you.
1. Locate your Giving Template by going to Content > Pages. If you can’t easily find the templatein the list, use the Template Filter.
Page Title & Header Image
Here is what your Giving Template looks like when editing.
- Title the Template
- Add Header Image
TITLE: The name indicated in the Title field will display at the top of your page. PRO-TIP: Use a name like Give, Giving, or Online Giving so people easily understand what to expect when they click to view the page. HEADER IMAGE: This image will appear at the top of your page (optional).*Note: this is not your image rotator.
Image Rotator
Using the image rotator you can add photos or graphics to communicate giving or advertise giving campaigns.
- Navigate to Media > Rotators and select “Add a New Rotator.”
- Select add a New Rotator
- Title the rotator
- Set the transition time
- Once you have saved, you will have the option to choose the images for the rotator.
More info on using Rotators can be found on our Help Site:
Before Editing Your Template: About Sections
Your template is built in sections that you can edit. Your template contains:
- Giving Link
- Giving Overview
- More Info 1
- More Info 2
- More Info 3
- More Info Top
All edits to this template are made in the Sections module.
More info on using Sections can be found on our Help Site:
Giving Link - Section
The Giving Link section will contain content about how to give online with a link to your giving tool.
- Click “edit section” next to the Giving Link dropdown.
- Title the giving call to action
- Add a quick description
- Link your online giving tool
- Highlight the text
- Select the link icon
- Paste in the URL to your giving tool
Giving Overview - Section
The Giving Overview section givea an introduction for giving at your church. This is an easy way to reassure people that they can give securely on your site, as well as outline other giving options that are available..
- Click “edit section” next to the Giving - Giving Overview dropdown.
This section is a WYSIWYG editor so that means you can use any text formatting.
More Info Top - Section
We recommend using this section to communicate an overview of why you would like people to give. This could be a bible verse, mission statement, or financial vision.
This section displays above the tabbed content & uses a WYSIWYG editor so that means you can use any text formatting.

More Info - Tabbed Sections
The tab sections are WYSIWYG editors. This means you can add text, images, videos, or CTA buttons that link to pages, PDF’s, or other sites. We recommend adding current budget reports, FAQ’s, or stories. Stories can encourage generosity among your church congregation and put a face to how your gifts are spent. You could even link to a story from your articles module using a CTA button.

Finishing Up
Now that you’ve finished adding the content, you can place it in the navigation so people can easily find the layout.
More info on the navigation can be found on our Help Site: