CCB - Events


The CCB Events Template uses events #3 from our layouts site and uses events populated from Community Church Builder. This template has been assigned to the "CCB Events" page and can be re-named and assigned in then navigation as needed.

Category Filter

Content > Link Lists > "CCB Event Categories"

This link list controls the category filter. The name of each link will be the name you want to display on the filter, and the description must contain the event category ID. The CCB event category ID can be copied from your CCB admin control panel.

The featured events are set in the Ekklesia360 events module. Any event that is in our system in the events module and published as featured will display on the "Featured Events" landing page and those monklets.

*NOTE - There is a custom field labeled "CCB Event ID". The specific CCB Event ID number should be entered in this field and and the event date must match its corresponding CCB event to direct the user to the correct CCB event detail page.

If no event ID is added, then the details page will pull the event details from the events module in the CMS.

Home Events

To display events in the homepage, you can use the "Section Monklet - Featured Event Column" monklet. This will only display Featured Events that have been entered into the CMS.

On your Subpage Default layout, two monklet options are available for your sidebar sections:

  • Sidebar Monklet - Featured Event - pulls the latest featured event from the CMS. An inline parameter can be used to pull the event by category.
  • CCB Events - Sidebar Monklet - pulls latest event from CCB. The "Icon Class / CCB Event Category" can be used to pull event by group type.

Ministry Layout CCB Events

A custom monklet is available for ministry layout event section: CCB Events - Ministry Monklet, and an example is setup for you under the "Ministry Example - CCB Events" section. Within the section, the "Icon Class / CCB Event Category" is used to display events by group type.