Countdown Timer
The countdown timer in the header of the site will count down to your next Live Service. You can edit the countdown timer by going to Content > Link Lists > Countdown Timer in the CMS.
When it's live, the "name" field displays the text on the link, and you can set the destination using the "link" field. You can see what it looks like live by using this link:
The description field will display the text in front of the timer when it is not live.
Live Service Category
The countdown timer counts down to whatever the next Event is that has the "Live Service" category applied to it. You will need to set up an event with the date and time of your live service, add the "live service" category, and publish it.
For help adding events, check out our help article here:
Disable Countdown Timer
To disable the countdown timer, you can change the name of the link list to "Countdown Timer - Off". To turn it back on, change the name back to Countdown Timer.