To edit the Navigation, go to Content > Pages > Navigation
Video Tutorial - Adding A Navigation Item (your set up will look slightly different, due to your subsites - but the concept is the same!)
Create and edit the site navigation by using the simple drag and drop in the navigation module.
Be sure to "Save and Publish" after making any changes!
Subsite Navigations
Each subsite will have its own navigation. Add and remove pages from under each parent item (campus name).
Do not change the name of the parent navigation items. These will not show on your site, but the code looks for these names to set up your subsite's navigations.
Child - 2nd Level
Child (2nd level) navigation items display when the your subsite navigation is expanded.
3rd Level
3rd level navigation items will display when 2nd level is selected.
4th Level
4th Level navigation items will display when the 3rd level is selected.
The above set up would look like the following in the Navigation module: