Missions Template

This template uses a full width subpage and uses monklets to display the feautred and local missions.
Section Monklet - Featured Missions Events

This monklet displays the 4 latest events published as featured to the Missions category.
Section Monklet - Local Missions

This monklet displays the 24 latest events published to the "Locat Missions" category. The event detail page has been cusotmized for mission events to display the map and custom layout.
*NOTE - All mission entries into the events module MUST have the Missions category assigned. The local missions is the child category used for this monklet.
Global Missions
The bottom section displays mission trips from the Managed Missions api. The trip title, date and description will display with a go image. Users can filter by Country or use the free form search.
The "Region" filter is broken down by three categories:
- Global = all trips that do not have “United States” in the country field
- National = all trips that have “United States” in the country field
- Local = all trips that have “United States” in the Country field AND also have a matching entry from the link list “Missions Local Region” to the trip field TripDestination. So if a trip has the “TripDestination” set to Bentonville, AR AND the link list has an entry of Bentonville, it will show that trip under Local.
Page Section Assignment - "Global Missions". The section assigned to this page section option will display the content above the mission trip output and the section background fields will control the global missions background.
The trip images pull from the “Missions Images” link list, and the images will display on the landing and trip detail page. The "name" field MUST match the ID of the trip in order for the image to show. You can grab the trip ID from the detail page link, ex: http://fbcrogers.monkpreview3.com/go/?trip=37752

Global Missions Detail
The trip detail sidebar displays the following Managed Missions api fields:
- Destination - TripDestination
- Departure Date - DepartureDate
- Return Date - ReturnDate
- Cost - TripMemberGoal
- Leader - for each trip member with the designation of "Leader" their full name, email and phone will display
- Register button - links to the trip application, which is managed in the "Missions Registration Link" link list
The trip content area displays the following Managed Missions api fields:
- Qualifications - Qualifications
- Description - TripDescription
Global Missions Monklet
If a section contains the category "Section Monklet - Global Missions" that section will display the 8 most recent missions from the Managed Missions api. The trip title, date and description will display with a go image.