Missions Template

Events > Small Groups
The missions template displays groups from the module "Small Groups". There are three parent category options "Mission Memphis", "World Missions" and "Short Term Trips". To display a group on this template one of these parent categories is a requirement. The sub categories have been setup to display as filters under each parent. When a new option from the select menu is selected the results and filter are updated to reflect the selected parent category.
- Mission Memphis - Displays both the map and list view. For the group to display on the map view it must have a valid location assigned.
- Filter uses the child categories from the "Neighborhood" category.**
- World Missions - Displays both the map and list view. For the group to display on the map view it must have a valid location assigned.
- Filter uses the child categories from the "Region" category.
- Short Term Trips - Displays only a list view.
- Filter uses the child categories from several categories: "Age Group", "Focus Area", "Focus People" and "Month".
Missions Marker Colors

Content > Link Lists > "Missions Marker Colors"
This link list allows you to have custom colored map markers for the "Mission Memphis" category. Every category under the "Neighborhood" parent category should have a matching link entry into this link list. The description field should contain a hex color that will allow you to use that color as the custom marker color.
List view displays:
- The image assigned to the group (should be 1,024px in width by 576px in height..or any 16:9 ratio image)
- Group Name
- If a Start and End Date are entered.
- Matching Child Category
- Resource Link
- If a Primary Leader is assigned.
Group Detail

Fields Used
- Name
- Description
- Resource Link - url or page for the website
- Categories - one parent category required ("Mission Memphis", "World Missions" or "Short Term Trips")
- Image - (should be 1,024px in width by 576px in height..or any 16:9 ratio image)
- Location - Used to display location on map for "Mission Memphis" and "World Missions" groups.
- Start/End Date - Optional start and end dates
- Primary Leader - Used to display leader/contact
- Sidebar Detail - WYSIWYG field displays at the bottom of the detail sidebar. The monklet "Social Media Monklet" can be used to display social media icons.
- Sub Title - Optional sub title displays under group name.