Live Stream #1
Quick Start
- Locate the Live Stream Template
- Title the Template
- Set your Events with "Live Event" category
- Test your live event
- Create an Image Rotator
- Assign the Twitter feed
- Add Button Links
- Edit the Footer Sections
- Publish The Page
Template Overview
The Live Stream Layout is designed to help reach your online audience by meeting needs and providing next steps to connect further. The layout allows you to embed your current live streaming iframe or embed code directly into the template. The Twitter feed pulls & displays tweets from a specific handle. The bottom sections utilize monklets that display the most recent sermon and event. The sections are full editable for other types of content and media.
Before You Get Started
Your implementor should have already built out the Live Stream Template for you.
1. Locate your Live Stream Template by going to Content > Pages. If you can’t easily find the template in the list, use the Template Filter. In Pages, you can edit the Title, URL, and assign a header image.
HEADER IMAGE: This image will appear at the top of your page (optional).*Note: this is not your image rotator.
Before Editing Your Template: Sections
The Live Stream layout displays a number of custom items which are editable via the CMS. Your template contains:
- Countdown Timer
- Rotator
- Twitter Feed
- Live Stream Links
- 3 Sections
Countdown Timer & Livestream Embed
The Countdown Timer displays the time to the next upcoming event assigned to the “Live Event” event category. You can add as many events as you'd like, or edit and update existing event times when needed.
1. In Events > Events, find the event you'd like to edit (or create a new one)
2. Set the Start Time, Date, and Repeats fields.
4. In the Description field, add your livestream embed.
3. Assign the "Live Event" category.

PRO-TIP: The countdown will automatically display on the template based on the information provided for the event.
Testing Your Live Event
Be sure to test your live streaming page before making it available on your website.
How To:
- View your live streaming page in your browser
- Add "?live=true" to the end of the URL
Please let our Support Team or your Project Manager know if your Live Stream page doesn't have this functionality.
Image Rotator
Using the image rotator you can add photos or graphics to promote upcoming events or other ways to connect like a new church app or ChMS.
This section displays a 16:9 Rotator assigned on the Livetream Page within the CMS. When your event is live, the rotator will be replaced with the live video stream.
Begin editing:
- Select to “edit" the image rotator (you will be taken to the Rotators under the Media module)
- Add Image Slides to the Rotator
- Once completed, locate the Rotator filed on your Live Stream Template
- Select the newly created Rotator
PRO-TIP: You can link pages, blogs, events, articles, sermons, or URLs to each image using the link field or auto fill with content already published.
Help Site - More info on using Rotators
Twitter Feed
The Twitter Feed will only display tweets posted by the specific Twitter handle you assign.
Assigning the Twitter handle:
1. Locate the Live Stream Template Content > Pages > Live Stream Template
2. Enter your Twitter handle in the “Description” field
Live Stream Links
The buttons on the Live Stream Template provide users with on ramps into connecting with your ministry. The links can display between 2 and 4 buttons that can be edited and updated within the Link List.
Editing the Links:
- Navigate to Content > Link Lists > Live Stream Links
- Select the pencil icon to edit the link
- Add text that will display on the button on the “Name” field
- Select the link from the link list of pages, events, or a separate URL.
- Rearrange the order of how the links display by using the arrows.
In order for the links to display on the Live Steam Template, do not edit the “Live Stream Links” title.
Footer Sections
At the bottom of your Live Stream Template you have 3 sections for content. These sections can support monklets that pull in the recent sermon or event, forms, or other media.
By default the template comes with 3 pre-built sections:
- Live Stream Event Highlight - This will display an event "published as featured" and assigned to the "online" group.
- Live Stream Latest Sermon - This will display the latest sermon that is assigned to the "online" group
- Live Stream Text Section - This is a section of text that is fully editable
Finishing Up
Now that you’ve finished adding the content, you can place the template in the navigation so people can easily find the layout.
Help Site - Setting Up Your Naviation