Prayer Layout #1
This layout features Prayers that visitors to your website submit through a form on your site. Once approved, prayers display on the site, and other visitors can mark that they have prayed for a specific prayer. A tally is then displayed of how many times each prayer has been prayed for.
You can also display other information about the church that visitors looking for prayer might find useful, such as church staff, upcoming events, blogs, small groups, and recent sermons.
Before you Begin
In order to use the Prayer Layout, you will need to add an email address to notify of new prayer request submissions. You can do this by going to Connect > Prayers > Settings. You can add as many notification email addresses as you like.
You will also need to add a location. You can do this by going to Admin > Site in the CMS. There is a section titled "Contact & Location". You will need a minimum of the zip code added in order for it to work properly.
Page Content
You can add any content you like at the top of the layout. Edit this by going to Content > Pages in Ekklesia and choosing the prayer layout page. Add to the "Content" area of the page.

Share Your Prayer button
The "Share Your Prayer" button displays automatically and launches a form. This form cannot be customized.
Users submitting prayers are required to add their name and email to the form, even if they choose to share their prayer anonymously. Users have the option to share their information with the church or keep it anonymous, and they also have the option to share their prayer publicly or anonymously on the website.

Prayers are submitted for approval from the "Share Prayer" button on the site.
To access the Prayer module, navigate to Connect > Prayers in Ekklesia. Prayers can be approved or marked as pending by going to the Prayer module under the Connect tab.

Once a prayer is approved, it will display on the website. If the user chose to share their contact information on the site, an option to "Encourage" them will appear which links to their email address. People can also choose "Pray for this" and it will keep a tally of how many times something was prayed for.
Sections and Monklets
Sections can be added for your prayer page and the process follows your site's guide to adding and editing section content.
Monklets are predefined code snippets that allow you to bring in other module content (sermons, events, etc.) into your pages. There are a few monklets that have been created for the prayer layout that are placed in the content area of your full width sections.
You can use a monklet inside a section by placing your cursor in the content area, selecting Insert > Insert Monklet > "Desired Monklet".
Some monklets allow/require inline parameters to be passed to define items from a specific group, category, etc. and provides details on using these parameters.
Prayer Layout 1 - Blog Monklet

Displays the most recent blog post. This monklet requires the inline parameter "name" to define which blog to pull the post from. The name is the slug format of the blog name. For example: {{prayer-layout-1-blog-monklet|name="blog-layout-3"}}
Prayer Layout 1 - Events Monklet

Displays the 9 most recent events. You can use the find_category or find_group inline parameter to filter as needed. For example: {{prayer-layout-1-events-monklet}} or with an inline parameter: {{prayer-layout-1-events-monklet|find_category="prayer"}}
Prayer Layout 1 - Sermon Monklet

Displays the most recent sermon. You can use the find_category or find_group inline parameter to filter as needed. For example: {{prayer-layout-1-sermon-monklet|find_category="prayer"}}
Prayer Layout 1 - Smallgroup Monklet

Displays the 8 most recent smallgroups. You can use the find_category or find_group inline parameter to filter as needed. For example: {{prayer-layout-1-smallgroup-monklet|find_category="prayer"}}
Prayer Layout 1 - Staff Monklet

Displays all members of a particular group. This monklet requires the inline parameter "find_group" to define which group to pull the members from. For example: {{prayer-layout-1-staff-monklet|find_group="missions-ministry"}}