Campuses Overview


All of your Campuses will need to be setup under Branches, which you can do by going to People > Branches. All the campuses have been added for you, and you can edit the information within each campus there.

You will need to have a campus group for each campus listed under branches. You can add groups by going to People > Groups. Each campus group will need to be added to the "Campuses" series and the name of the group must match the name of the campus branch exactly. 

These groups have been added for you, but if you change the name of the branch then you will need to change the name of the group to match.

Publishing content to Campus Groups

All the content for the campuses will need to be published to the campus specific groups. You have campus filters on the following templates:

  • Sermons 6
  • Events 4
  • Small Groups 2
  • Class Finder 1

There is no filter on the ministry template, but pages with the ministry template assigned will automatically filter content based on the campus they have set as their home campus.

To add content to campus specific groups, on the “publish” page you can choose the group to add it to (screenshot below).

You can mass publish content to campus groups by clicking “edit selected” and then “add group”. The only module this doesn't work for is small groups.