Ministry Template #1


The Ministry Template is a versatile template that can be used for ministries, campus detail pages, and more. Unlike other Ekklesia templates, you will be able to reuse this template as many times as you'd like. The sections are fully editable, making it easy to drop in new content or rearrange the order of content on the template. Specific sections can pull in specific content from the CMS, making it easier to display staff members, events, sermons, or articles. 

Locate Your Template

Upon receiving the layout, the Ministry Template #1 will be added to your site and an example page setup for you.

Content > Pages. If you can't locate it in the list, use the Template Filter.

Editing the Template

Familiarize yourself with this screen as it will be the base of all the moving parts and sections of your template. The template is pre-built with sections and monklets for you to begin editing.

Sections: The majority of this template is built using sections, which are selected under the "Sections" area of your page settings. A section can display any type of content you create: text, images, videos, links, and monklets. Some of the pre-built sections are using monklets to pull content from different modules (events, sermons, etc).

MonkletsThe template includes pre-built monklets in the page content and sections to displays specific information from other modules of Ekklesia 360. For example, an events monklet will display the event information you've entered into the Events Module.

In order for the content to pull for a specific ministry, a "ministry category" needs to be added into the "description" field of your page. For any pre-built sections using monklets, these will only display content assigned to the specific ministry category or group that's added to your page settings (ie: children, youth, etc). See more info here >> 

For the monklets in the page content, you can set parameters within the specific monklet tag to pull in content by category or group, like a category of events. See more info here >>

Note: The following pre-built sections are using monklets: Events, Staff, Resources, Volunteer and Sermon.

Header Image

The image header will fill the entire screen making it fullwidth. The image is responsive and will change depending on a user's screen size. We recommened that the image does not include text. Instead you can use the "Header Text" field to add a text overlay or logo graphic to display on top of the header image (more to come below).

Header Image Specifics:

  • JPEG
  • Recommended Size: use recommended dimensions in the setup guide for your theme/site
  • Color Space: RBG

Help Site: Image Editing Tools

PRO-TIP: To ensure your page title or logo is legible, it's helpful to blur the background or choose an image with opposite colors from your font or logo.

Page Title

The page title will display overtop of the header image and the font style will match your site’s style guide.

Description Field

The content that displays in the pre-built sections is determined by a Ministry Category, which needs to be added to the "Description" field of your ministry page. The pre-built monklets are used in conjunction with the Ministry Category to pull content from the CMS based on one group or category (ie: children, youth, etc). This setup is used for the following modules: events, staff, resources, volunteer and sermons.

Be sure you type the exact name of the Ministry Category and that you use the same category/group name for the various modules throughout the CMS. 

Within the page settings, the "Header Text" field can be used to add text or a ministry logo graphic overtop of the header image. The page title will be replaced if the Header Text field is used.

NOTE: some older versions of the ministry layout may not have this option or will use a "header logo" field instead. If you don't see this field available and would like to have it added, please contact our Support Team.

Looking for a logo refresh for a specific ministry? Contact us and our design team will partner with you!

Anchor Page Navigation

One of the best features of the Ministry Template is the sticky Anchor Page Navigation. Each title is linked to a section on the template, and when clicked, page visitors will be moved down to the anchor points. The navigation bar remains at the top as visitors move down the page.

Adding Anchor Titles

All titles of the Anchor Nav item are entered in the “Description” field of each section (managed under Content > Sections).

Example: The text "Staff" is entered into the "Description" field of the section and displays as the anchor link in the Anchor Page Navigation.

PRO-TIP: We recommend using short titles for the anchor links to ensure that the navigation doesn't become crowded.


Any content entered into the “Content” field of the Ministry Template page will display as the first section below the Anchor Page Navigation.

The Content field is a WYSIWYG editor that supports all text, media, links, etc. It's a great space to place a welcome message to visitors, the mission statement or any other intro info about your ministry. 

Content Monklets

In the Content field, the template has two pre-built monklets available for you to pull in bits of information about your staff or events. Parameters can be added to these monklets to pull content from a specific category or group.


The Ministry Template features up to seven sections that you can fully edit and rearrange. These are assigned under the Sections area of your page settings, and you can use as many or as few sections as you want on each ministry page.

We have six pre-built sections that require minimal set-up on your end (see below). You can also create your own sections for your ministry pages (under Content > Sections) to highlight certain parts of your ministry.

The following Sections are edited within the Section Module. You can access each section from the Ministry Template or by going to the Section Module and searching for the following titles: 

Within the Sections, the folllowing fields are used:

  • Name: internal use only
  • Description: controls the anchor navigation title for the section
  • Content: contains the section title and editable content, monklets, etc.

Other optional fields include background color, background image, dark background and parallax background. These control the display and functionality of the specific section. Please refer to your setup guide for an overview of section options available for your theme/site.

Note: Some themes will include a separate field for the section title. Please make sure to refer to your specific setup guide regarding the defaut section title setup for your site.

Sections, Monklets and the Ministry Category

The pre-built sections include monklets that work in conjunction with the Ministry Category added to the "Description" field of your page. So, these sections will only display content assigned to the respective category or group. Note: be sure the name of the Ministry Category is an exact match to the category/group used for your modules in the CMS.

The following pre-built sections are using monklets, and the details of each section are outlined below.

  • Ministry Example - Staff -> {{ministry-layout-1-section-staff}}
  • Ministry Example - Events -> {{ministry-layout-1-section-events}}
  • Ministry Example - Resources -> {{ministry-layout-1-section-featured-resources}} and {{ministry-layout-1-section-resources}}
  • Ministry Example - Volunteer -> {{ministry-layout-1-section-volunteer}}
  • Ministry Example - Sermon -> {{ministry-layout-1-section-sermon}}

Note: you can re-use any of these pre-built sections for your various Ministry Template pages, and the content will automatically filter by the ministry category added to the page settings. Any new sections would need to be created/copied for each instance of the template.

Pre-Built Sections

Below is an overview of each pre-built section containing monklets.

Create Your Own Sections

In addition to the pre-built sections, you can also create your own to highlight ministry information, campus location, etc. When setting up your sections, the "content" field is a full WYSIWYG editor, so you can add in text, buttons, links, etc.

The "Ministry Example - Columns" section is an example freeform content section with columns.

Custom SU Events Monklet

You have a custom "Ministry Layout 1 - SU Events" monklet, which displays events from ServiceU on pages using the Ministry Layout.

This monklet does not use the Ministry Category set up in the Page, like other Ministry Layout monklets. 

You need to add the Ministry Category in the section, in the custom Icon Class / F1 or SU Category field. For this reason, a new section for each Ministry page will need to be set up.

Custom F1 Events Monklet

You have a custom "Ministry Layout 1 - F1 Groups" monklet, which displays groups from FellowshipOne on pages using the Ministry Layout.

This monklet does not use the Ministry Category set up in the Page, like other Ministry Layout monklets. 

You need to add the Ministry Category ID (not name) in the section, in the custom Icon Class / F1 or SU Category field. For this reason, a new section for each Ministry page will need to be set up.

The image (that appears next to the groups) is set up in the Link List (Content > Link Lists) "Ministry Layout Small Groups Image".