This template displays all articles published to the "Resources" category. This category is a requirement. Sub categories are optional and will default to the site blue coloring. "Clergy" uses the orange, "Congregation Life" the green and "Church Staff" the light blue.
Article images should be 16:9 ratio (1024px by 576px recommended) and the header image uses the site default.
Link List - "Resources Default Image" is your article fallback image.
Link List - "Resources Default Header Image" is your header image fallback for the detail page.

The normal full width sections are supported below the article landing results. All Section Monklets are supported and two monklets have been created for this specific template "Section Monklet - Featured Articles (1) Resources" and "Section Monklet - Featured Events (1) Resources". These work the same as your home/section monklets for articles and events, but different styling/headings have been applied.
Article Detail
Your article detail page wil display the media items and article text.
- In addition to your normal media options 3 additional custom fields have been added (Additional Document 1, Additional Document 2 and Additional Document 3).
- Your contact form is hard coded and is setup to send all form submissions to [email protected]. If this needs to be updated please contact us.