Other Templates
Articles #4

This template uses articles #4 from our layouts site. All article images assigned in the media area should be a 16:9 ratio (1,024px by 576px is the recommended size). The header image field allows the assignment of a header background on the detail page.
The online setup guide for this layout can be found at http://setupguides.ekklesia360.com/m/e360_layouts/l/622245-articles-4
Detailed article help can be found at https://help.ekklesia360.com/module/articles/
*NOTE - The articles module is often used for additional layouts so this requires all articles have the category "Articles" assigned. Child categories are optional.
Blogs #2

This template uses blog #2 from our layouts site.
The blog template is a template that is assigned to a blog; each blog can be viewed by assigning it a link from the Navigation Tree. All post images should be a 16:9 ratio (1,024px by 576px is the recommended size). The header image field allows the assignment of a header background on the detail page.
Detailed blog help can be found at https://help.ekklesia360.com/module/blogs/
Detail Page Return Links

The module detail pages for Articles, Sermons and Events use a link list to power the landing (return) page for the breadcrumbs. The link lists have been creating and are currently linked, but if you change the page assignment for one of these landing pages the corresponding link list will also need to be updated.
These can be found in the Link List module.
Events - "Return Link - Events"
Sermons - "Return Link - Sermons"
Articles - "Return Link - Articles"