Custom Missions Layout

Your custom missions layout features local serving and short term trips. Selecting each option will display sections down the page pertaining to each area.

Within the page settings, you will see section dropdowns for the following:

  • Serve Locally - Section (1-5) - displays content for the Serve Locally area
  • Shared Section (1-2) - used for the top/shared sections on the layout
  • Short Term Trips - Section (1-5) - displays content for the Short-Term Trip area

The button text for the sticky anchor bar controlled in the "description" field of each section.

Shared Sections

Section: Missions - Outside The Walls

This section displays at the top of your page to choose "serving locally" or "short term trips". 

The "Custom Missions - Option Monklet" is used for the two options, and the info is managed under Content > Link Lists > "Missions List". The list link should only contain two items, and the following fields are used within each:

  • Name - displays the title overtop of the image
  • Image
  • Description - displays above the title

Serve Locally

Our Partners

Section: Missions - Serve Locally - Our Partners

The "Missions - Serve Locally - Articles" monklet is used for the stories portion and will pull articles that have the "stories" category assigned (Content > Articles).

More Ways to Serve

Section: Missions - Serve Locally - More Ways To Serve

Upcoming Events

Section: Missions - Serve Locally - Upcoming Events

Events use the same monklet as the homepage, and a category parameter can be added to the monklet to just pull local serve events.


Section: Missions - Serve Locally - Stats

The "Missions - Stats" monklet is used for the stats portion, and the info is managed under Content > Link Lists > "Missions - Serve Locally - Stats". Within each item, the following fields are used:

Short-Term Trips


Section: Missions - Short-Term Trips - Trips

The following monklets are used for this section:

1. Mission - Short-Term Trips - Map - currently displays pin points for events with the "Mission Trip" category assigned, and this is controlled via the "category" option in the section. 

2. Missions - Short-Term Trips - display a list of events with the "missions trip" category assigned (category can be changed in the monklet parameter)

Both the map and list will point to a detail page with all the trip info.

Pray, Give, Go

Section: Missions - Short-Term Trips - Pray Give Go


Section: Missions - Short-Term Trips - Stats

The "Missions - Stats" monklet is used for the stats portion, and the info is managed under Content > Link Lists > "Missions - Short-Term Trip - Stats". Within each item, the following fields are used: