
The "Subpage Default" is your default sub page and displays with a sidebar. The "Subpage Fullwidth" displays the content full width. The "Style Guide" page has been setup to display your site default styles.
The page will automatically display the page title at the top of the content area. The checkbox "Hide Page Title" removes the title from the page. The page description field is optional.
The Share Off checkbox allows you to turn off the sharing option for the page.
*NOTE - The system does not allow duplicate pages. If you need the same page for all campuses a good rule of thumb is to name your page with the campus in the title re. "About Us - Zion Greenbelt" and then use the Header Text field to place the Page Title and any additional text needed (Sub Title, etc.)
This template is setup as your default home page and works the same as your full width sub page. There should also be a page created for each campus with this template. eg. the page Zion Greenbelt will have the template index.php with a header, sections, etc. for this campus; the page Zion Fort Washington will have the template index.php with a header, sections, etc. for this campus; and so on for each campus. The default page index.php should be your default campus. This means your default campus will have two home pages. One for the default index.php page and the second is the main campus home page.
Kids - Subpage Default
This is the Subpage Default template with the kids logo and color scheme.